
Second Board Appointment Illegal? - Story on MSV
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Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
I have stated clearly several times that I am not a cheerleader for TS or ML.
I also don't have the chip on my shoulder when it comes to them that you seem to have.
Katie you want to make this into something personal and for you it may be but it is not with me.
When you drifted away from the facts I asked you to provide them and will continue to do so.
I am willing to hear the legal opinion on this before I jump to any conclusion.
The way I read the form it is not a law that may have been broken but a policy preference.
There is a big difference.
katie_scarlett · 764 weeks ago
That's not personal it is just my voting policy.
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
Redrider765 · 764 weeks ago
deleted5542758 83p · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
I have no axe to grind or personal animosity towards any of the players in this little drama and you can believe that or not.
I have worked many years to help in a small way to bring reform to Hoboken's government and I do not want to see it jeopardized by petty infighting.
I have also agreed with the one appointment per person ideal in one of my first posts.
I have stated I would have preferd BA had been appointed rather than TS.
I have posted TS is a volitile personality and some revolutionaries do not make good statesmen
I take exception to the methods of the attacks on both men. Neither is perfect and niether deserves to be demonized. Many mock PK and LB for using the same methods but cheer on KS and kh.
Keep it factual and civil is all I have asked.
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
The only only appropriate response is to quote a line from a great old movie classic. "But you are Blanche, you are!".
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
FTR, I prefer the book GWTW to the movie though. Just a lot of nuance to KS that you can't get in the 3+ hour epic.
But where it comes to you, Guest II, I've deemed you True Believer (a la Stan Lee, Mallrats). Like I said on MSV, I feel bad b/c when you realize exactly how Michael has used people and lied to you, and when you see he's an opportunist of the worst sort, it will hurt you more than it hurt most others. Because you're 100% invested and believing in him. For that, I'm sorry for you. But it's happened to many people, that's why he gets booted from group to group.
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
As you anger grow you become more extreme. I never liked lynch mobs.
We agree on many points but I will continue to disagree when you are willing to destroy what so many have worked so hard for to satiate your personal anger. There are better ways to end this then venting your anger on these blogs.
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
He represents me, I live in the fourth. He knows that. He kind of "does have to answer to me" at some point. Well, if he wants my vote.
That all being said, I have to admit, you're 3/4s of what gets me amped. Constantly questioning the veracity of my arguments when I know I am sitting on a lot of information that could prove my point (but I don't want to use it all, and once I'm mad, and the **** starts to roll, I cannot say for certain that I will be able to stop myself, so I don't start). That's why I think you're a true believer. B/c if you were a shill, you'd know that I'm not lying and you'd stop before you pushed me to the breaking point.
That's it. I think I need to leave this for the evening before I do get myself pissed beyond the point of return.
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
Too weird a post even for you.
Guest II · 764 weeks ago
I will ask you to find another way to communicate than the blogs to resolve this.
Perhaps Kurt and Roman can broker a sit down or something.
Katie_Scarlett · 764 weeks ago
I don't need Kurt or Roman to broker a sitdown. I have Michael's number, email address, fb page etc. Tony's too.
And anyway, I know they're reading this. They can't help themselves. :)
khoboken · 764 weeks ago
p1ywood 98p · 764 weeks ago