Thursday, April 14, 2011

Desperate Beth Mason Bankrolls Stevens Students to have Signage

Yet another update:

This message from a Senior at Stevens who is in the same fraternity as the brother that sent out the email about Beth Mason and her attempt to get signs at $25 a pop. I did not anticipate the fallout from this story to be as big as it was. After all it is perfectly legal to pay campaign workers but politically stupid to try to obviously pack the house with faux supporters. Intelligent Hoboken voters can usually see right through that stuff. I was able to speak with this gentleman (Senior whose name is withheld) and he was quite understanding and composed. Without further adieu:

To Whom It May Concern:

As you can see by my signature, I am a graduating senior and well respected member of the Stevens community and the Sigma Chapter of Beta Theta Pi.

I would like to formally apologize for one of my brother's actions. He did not realize what he was doing and we as a fraternity did not realize what was going on.

I would like to propose that you kindly remove our fraternity from the article, but please leave the article in general up, so students at Stevens do not make this mistake again.

As a student who was attending Stevens during the Peter Cammarano incident, it was disgraceful to my university and myself as I did not like the feeling in the pit of my stomach knowing that our cherished university was being linked with a criminal. This time, the incident hits home as our cherished fraternity, that has been in Hoboken since 1879, and even lives at the original mayor's home, has now been linked with a criminal like act of Beth Mason.

I can assure you that this will never happen again and that the Sigma chapter always has Hoboken in it's hearts and minds when it comes to giving back to the community. We are partnered up with a local church and routinely work in their lunchtime ministry cooking and feeding the homeless in addition to helping preserve the historic church located near campus. We also recently won an award for being the most recognizable Greek House during the Hoboken Park cleanup two Sunday's ago and were recognized by our Inter-fraternal Council with the award for organizing, running, and having the best participation percentage at the event. In addition to that, we also have an upcoming philanthropy event where we are raising money for The Hoboken Boys and Girls Club, and as of yesterday, we have already raised nearly $500, before the event will even take place.

I hope you can please consider removing our fraternal name due to our realization of our mistake and in good faith of the pride that our chapter takes in itself, and our beloved community that surrounds it. If you have any further questions/comment I would love to hear them and I am open to suggestions you may have for future Philanthropic events to help the city of Hoboken, as we at Beta Theta Pi are always looking to give back to our community in our striving for excellence.


Stevens student
Stevens Institute of Technology 2011

Another update: I removed the identifying numbers and put the disclaimer about the fraternity. I posted this story in no way to start a witch hunt on what appears to be a student that just wanted some easy cash. Perhaps he didn't know what is at stake, or perhaps he did. If he truly wanted to support Beth Mason he has that right; I just wanted to draw the distinction between a volunteer and a paid worker for the Beth Mason campaign. Beth Mason doesn't have a lot of core support outside of Applied Housing so it makes sense that she would try to buy the appearance of support.

I was spammed last night from what appears to be an automated program to generate text messages. I received over 300 text messages in 15 minutes. Coincidence? Maybe or maybe not. I also had other posters insinuate that I am homosexual which is not true but even if it was displays an intolerance that is not acceptable in my world view.

Update: Per multiple requests I have removed the name behind the email below. It should be noted that this email contained nothing personal in nature in its subject matter. Apparently not every Stevens student knows that Beth Mason's money is likely bankrolling corruption (Mike Russo and Tim Occhipinti)  this election season. Maybe its time that they reach at to Dr. Wharton who has attended some recent City Council meetings and focuses much of his research on political corruption. Hoboken has been giving him  lot of material lately. Cammarano, Occhipinti, Russo, and now Beth Mason, are all part of it. If Beth Mason chooses to financially back Mike Russo, then she too is corrupt.

Of course there is nothing wrong with a student trying to make a buck but you would think after the Peter Cammarano debacle students at Stevens would be a little more careful when it comes to candidates whose ambition is so brazen that ethics fly out the window. Perhaps history will repeat itself.

Original Post: The Hoboken City Council Candidates forum is tonight for both the 2nd Ward and the 5th Ward at our Lady of Grace Annex starting at 7:30PM. It would appear Beth Mason, ever so desperate to look like the front runner that she isn't has sought to pay Stevens Students $25 a pop to hold pro Beth Mason signage before the meeting. Nothing illegal if they are paid by check (wasn't always done that way by Beth) but surely a sign of desperation and foolish expenditures. Reminds me of the Kim Glatt cheerleaders from Union City. Kim came in 4th place in the November 2009 mayoral race. Here is an email forwarded to me from a Steven's student (name witheld) looking to get his pals a quick $25 bucks.


I was wondering if you could forward this to the rest of your house.

I am a brother of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and I have been working for the Beth Mason campaign for the past couple of weeks trying to get people to register to vote in Hoboken. Tonight there is going to be a debate tonight at 7 to a little after 9 or so and basically the gentleman I am working for would like 100 people or so to stand out side of the debate and hold up signs for Beth Mason and picket line. You will be payed 25 dollars to do this. If you would like to do this we will be meeting outside of the Beta House at 6:40 tonight. Also if you want to do this please email me with your full name and phone number at (email witheld). We need a good showing for this and its an easy 25 dollars to hold a sign. Hope to see you tonight.

Thank you,

(name withheld)
Stevens Institute of Technology 2012
Civil Engineering
Beta Theta Pi (not representative of the Fraternity, on his/her own behalf only)

Comments (89)

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You should remove his name and email from this Kurt, no need to drag him into it personally.
2 replies · active 727 weeks ago
If he put his email out there to be contacted, it's all fair game.
Quasimodo's avatar

Quasimodo · 727 weeks ago

Seriously. He should of at least looked at youTube. There are plenty of videos on Beth Mason. Personally, the best and most informative I find is:
Hoboken Consequences's avatar

Hoboken Consequences · 727 weeks ago

Kids an idiot, let'em learn the hard way.

[name withled by editor] how is it that you are smart enough to attend a decent college but can't figure out Beth is a bad person for you to be associated with? Can't wait to post your stupid mug on-line for your future employers to see.
3 replies · active 727 weeks ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 727 weeks ago

How would you feel if you were a college kid trying to make some money to support yourself and you messed up and some older person who knows better goes out of their way to try and sully another's name. Have some class and remove the kid's likeness and his fraternity's.
I find it comical that you are denouncing a kid that you have no affiliation with. Furthermore, I find it disheartening that you'd release someone's private information. It seems like you get off on doing such things:

Is it that your life is too boring that you have to live through others?

I wonder how you'd feel if your private information was released/slandered...
Once again if you want to make money work for Tim, I mean Beth. Aren't you sick of people trying to buy elections? On Tom's team we are all adult volunteers. I hope voters recognize the difference.
InfotainMe's avatar

InfotainMe · 727 weeks ago

I wonder how many votes she can buy over there. Neither ethics nor $$$ will be stumbling blocks.
This really annoys me. When I attended the Mayor's State of the City Address in February, I was accused of being paid in exchange for my attendance. So I wonder if Mason411 will have any mention of this.
Stevens SGA's avatar

Stevens SGA · 727 weeks ago

This email was posted on a private forum and how you obtained it is beyond me. People make mistakes and Beth Mason is to blame, not the Student. Please remove his personal information as soon as possible or we will be seeking legal action.
13 replies · active 727 weeks ago
Calling BS on authenticity of this post. Nice try which co-incidentally has another credibility problem for the Mason campaign, once again caught sleazing, go away. Oh, the serendipity..
Cupid's believe in love. You are not cupid.
Does that mean tonight's "play time" at the house is off?
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 727 weeks ago

Obviously you missed the part where it said it was BS. All the post said was to remove his likeness and the student groups he is involved in. No where in that is there a reference to BS, in fact, asking one to remove's someone's name usually means that they accept the truth in their mistakes. Maybe you should learn to accept yours.
Obviouslyyyyyyyyy, theres a rapist in Lincoln Park, hes climing in your windows hes snatchin your people up, so hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide you husband too bc they rapin everyone out here
Idiot in Da Projects's avatar

Idiot in Da Projects · 727 weeks ago

Someone who knows what Beth Mason stands for and is fed up w/ her corruption who is a member of the forum probably emailed it out. If you have a problem w/ that, then you have a problem w/ the honesty and integrity of your students. Clearly some Stevens students think paying people during election season is wrong. Why don't you?
Redrider Gets Ridden's avatar

Redrider Gets Ridden · 727 weeks ago

The kid didn't realize what he was doing. Obviously he knows now, but to use someone's name for an honest mistake to go after them personally, on a public forum, and stooping just as low as Beth Mason, does not make you any better than her. Why do you think it is okay to attack a young student?
Awww, poooor lil corrupt student! We won't tell daddy! He didn't know! Need any more money, baby?
Cupid's Momma's avatar

Cupid's Momma · 727 weeks ago

Cupid Boy! You better get a job and get yo ass off my computer and outta ma basement before I kick yo ass out! You betta leave those kids alone I thought I taught you better then that! By da way baby Butch called back and says last night was lovely. You wait till I tell yo father about this......
Notyrplaything's avatar

Notyrplaything · 727 weeks ago

So you and Butch had a good time, that's great. I know you love him in all the wrong ways but stop calling him momma.
Clownshoes's avatar

Clownshoes · 727 weeks ago

You are an absolute moron....just no other way to say it. I wonder how mad you are. Ha. Break anything yet?
Notyrplaything's avatar

Notyrplaything · 727 weeks ago

Let me guess Socrates. Dean list, right?
your all stupid's avatar

your all stupid · 727 weeks ago

just remove the name. grow up.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
"your" all stupid too. No wonder you kids go to a tech school.
Hoboken Consequences's avatar

Hoboken Consequences · 727 weeks ago

I need a life of my own

oh and I'm dumb
Cory Worthington's avatar

Cory Worthington · 727 weeks ago

ill say sorry but i'm not taking off my glasses, They re famous
Vote Zimmer!'s avatar

Vote Zimmer! · 727 weeks ago

This is what will happen to you if you don't Vote Zimmer!

Vote Zimmer or else we'll find you. . .
Kurt Gardiner's avatar

Kurt Gardiner · 727 weeks ago

[Imposter wrote this]

Kurt Gardiner loves cock. If you are looking for a mustache ride please email him immediately at [Kurt's email]

[Funny, by now these paid operatives will learn that this stiff really dosen't bother me. It just makes them look like d-baggers]
1 reply · active 727 weeks ago
Merry Clownssen's avatar

Merry Clownssen · 727 weeks ago

I love Perry's posting ID
Trojan Industries's avatar

Trojan Industries · 727 weeks ago

[polldaddy 4914663 polldaddy]
"It should be noted that this email contained nothing personal in nature in its subject matter."

Nothing personal? You posted the kid's email address to a public website. Aside from potentially exposing him to harassment and spam, this permanently connects his name with this for potential employers. Did he make a mistake? Yes, absolutely. He didn't do the research and got involved with some questionable people. Is this something that should follow him for the rest of his life? No, more than likely he has learned his lesson from this and will think more carefully about how and to whom he lends his political support. On that note, although you have removed his name and email, you still left more than enough information in the email to identify him. Additionally, his name was reposted in some of the comments. Finally, in the earlier version of your post, you mentioned that "one outspoken Stevens student was part of the Peter Cammarano for Mayor campaign and convinced a large number of (uninformed) Stevens students to vote for this criminal." The fact that you withheld the earlier student's name, but published this one seems a bit hypocritical.
If the man (and he is a man - and should be judged accordingly) was volunteering for Beth Mason, then clearly he liked what she stood for. Nobody invests the time to volunteer for a candidate w/o knowing who they are volunteering for. So somehow I doubt this guy didn't do his homework. And somehow I doubt he didn't know how furious the honest people of this town are w/ people who lease voters, sign holders and spread money around to buy/steal elections. A free election is not a bought election and this guy needs to realize if he wants to help buy an election, he gets no sympathy from people like me.

But I suspect if he keeps up the hard work for Mason/Russo, he might have a future in the HCDO.
10 replies · active 727 weeks ago
Take my bribe.'s avatar

Take my bribe. · 727 weeks ago

He/she was going around town getting students to register to vote. He/she had no contact with Beth Mason, nor did he know until yesterday that what he was doing was supporting Beth, when he immediately did research and then found out what he was doing was wrong. He then immediately asked to have his name and student groups redacted and withheld, but apparently Kurt Gardiner was too high and mighty to do that, because people like you are trying to send a message. You are sending a message to us students, and that message is that you are just as filthy and slimy as the next politician supporter. Stevens students stick together and many of us will live in Hoboken post grad, or will have connections to Stevens post grad, and if these things are not redacted within the next 24 hours, I highly doubt you would like 2500+ students voting against you year in and year out. That's not easy numbers to win back overnight. Choose wisely.
Yeah, sure, and the pope is a Muslim. Read that email YOU sent out again. YOU knew all along YOU were working for Beth. And clearly Stevens students don't stick together b/c someone who knew what YOU were doing was wrong sent that email out. And how many screen names will YOU be posting under today? YOU are making YOURSELF look pretty slimy switching from 1 to the next. Honest people pick one and only 1.

Send a nice email, eat some crow and stop making an ass of yourself making stupid threats. Kurt has a job, he probably hasn't even looked at this thread in a while and he might not ever look at it you nube. He will see the email and respond to you when he can. Nice chatting, enjoy working for that corrupt witch.

BTW - go ahead and vote for these guys, just be prepared to pay for the incredibly high taxes when you live here after graduation b/c that is what you are voting for. Personally I think most Stevens students aren't that stupid and they will make the responsible choice and not vote for Mason, Russo or their spendthrift associates.
Vote Zimmer.'s avatar

Vote Zimmer. · 727 weeks ago

Maybe you should talk to Kurt, obviously he's not checking his e-mail. People asked for him to do the right thing and remove everything since the student has already realized what has done wrong.

He was not getting directly paid by Beth Mason, he was getting people to Register to Vote. Then Beth asked him to hold signs, and he realized what he was really supporting and stopped his affiliation. If getting paid to get people to vote is so wrong, why weren't there outcries for Sean Combs and all the other celebrities names to be tarnished during previous elections during the "Vote or Die" campaigns. Funny how people's memory is very selective when looking through rose colored glasses. Do the right thing, contact Kurt directly, by phone and ask for him to remove this students article.
Your incessant posting and switching screen names is not helping you. No, not going to ask him to do any such thing.

BTW - if he was working for Beth but not getting paid by Beth, well that could be problematic and potentially a violation of the law. You keep digging that whole deeper and deeper. You might want to just stop and let one of Mason's more senior and subtle paid minions to take over for you.
who the **** actually follows a local govt blog site? bunch of cock sucking homosexuals.
this is a much better way to waste your time
SillyCoons's avatar

SillyCoons · 727 weeks ago

The Pope is not a Muslim but Barack Osama is.

ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s avatar

ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · 727 weeks ago

CLEARLY, he was getting paid. Getting paid to do something is the opposite of volunteering.

Well that is even worse b/c now his name will be a matter of public record if he got a check from Mason (and if it doesn't show up on the filings - which would not surprise me - I hope LE investigates it).
Even if he had done his homework, it is nearly impossible to find unbiased information on what is going on in this town. When I came to Stevens as a freshman, the first site I found about Hoboken was Hoboken411, and I thought it was a great way to see what was going on in town. I have since come to learn that this is not the case, but I fear that a lot of my peers have not come to the same realization yet. Herein lies the problem. That site is extremely biased, and it has ads for Mason. So how is a meager college student in this town supposed to find any factual information about the local politics? If it was not for my personal interest in politics and Hoboken, I would have never realized that Hoboken411 is so extremely biased, and that I should look for information elsewhere. It is completely plausible that this student simply didn't know what he was getting involved with, and that he was just trying to make some money. Is that something which truly deserves the kind of berating he is currently receiving?
Vote Zimmer or Die!'s avatar

Vote Zimmer or Die! · 727 weeks ago

You still left his fraternity and his roll number. Any jagaloon could easily search for that and still find all his contact information, similarly to how people found your information on this internet. You should remove any names minus generic things, like Stevens and his major. I think it might behoove you to do this, or this outspoken student may do the same think a previous student did and get 2500 plus Stevens students to vote Mason, because everyone makes mistakes when we're young, but not all of us realize that they're simpleton adults out to get you.
6 replies · active 727 weeks ago
It might behoove you to send Kurt a nice private email instead of making threats. You are making yourself, your school and your classmates look incredibly foolish.

BTW - did you inform your classmates that all their names will be showing up in Mason's campaign filings? Those checks she passed out are a matter of public record.
Take my bribe.'s avatar

Take my bribe. · 727 weeks ago

I'm not removing this kid's information. Everyone should see. I've gotten numerous e-mails yet I'm not removing his name because he needs to be taught a lesson! Don't mess with the Dawn or else you'll get Zimmered!
What lesson? Aren't you proud of the person you support? (didn't think so - so why support them?)

Perhaps that is something you should think about and include in your contrite crow eating letter to Kurt.
Political Operative Alert!Political Operative Alert!

Sent from my iPhone
Painfully obvious I am having a discussion w/ 1 person using 20 different screen names.
Even more obvious: You're stupid.
Take my bribe.'s avatar

Take my bribe. · 727 weeks ago

Kurt, I'll give you Dr. Wharton, in return for your removal of everything that could potentially damage the student's future professional career. How about that eh?
Tisk tisk. You have really stooped to a seriously low level...and yes, although you have redacted the students name, the information that you have left makes him more than easily recognizable. Maybe you should stop blogging about the deplorable acts of politicians and take a long hard look in the mirror. You may not like what you see.

As far as I am concerned your opinions have lost any and all credibility. It's sad that you have nothing better to do than try and discredit a young kid. Join the rest of the Americans in their late 40's and get yourself a family.

And addressed to the impostor who posted the profanity; you obviously did get to this man or he wouldn't have replied. Don't think you are any better than whoever wrote that post Kurt. When you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.
Narwhals!!!!'s avatar

Narwhals!!!! · 727 weeks ago

Staplers Fanatic's avatar

Staplers Fanatic · 727 weeks ago

A stapler is a mechanical device that joins sheets of paper or similar material by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and folding the ends. Staplers are widely used in government, business, offices, and schools.

The first known stapler was handmade in the 18th century in France for King Louis XV. Each staple was inscribed with the insignia of the royal court, as required.[1] The growing uses of paper in the 19th century created a demand for an efficient paper fastener.[2]

McGill stapler
In 1866, George McGill received U.S. patent 56,587 [3] for a small, bendable brass paper fastener that was a precursor to the modern staple. In 1867, he received U.S. patent 67,665[4] for a press to insert the fastener into paper. He showed his invention at the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and continued to work on these and other various paper fasteners through the 1880s. In 1868 a patent was also taken out for a stapler in England by C.H.Gould. As well, also in 1868, Albert Kletzker of St Louis, MO patented a device to staple paper.
In 1877 Henry R. Heyl filed patent number 195603 for the first machines to both insert and clinch a staple in one step,[5] and for this reason some consider him as the inventor of the modern stapler. In 1876 and 1877 Heyl also filed patents for the Novelty Paper Box Manufacturing Co of Philadelphia,PA,[6] However, the N. P. B. Manufacturing Co.'s inventions were to be used to staple boxes and books.
Terry Hoitz's avatar

Terry Hoitz · 727 weeks ago

It is all that difficult to see, with the actions that have transpired about this incident, why students, and in general young adults, have no desired whatsoever to get involved with politics. Since it is evident that majority politics are filled with people like Kurt, people whose only actions are those to verbally beat down and back stab others that opposed his beliefs/views/thoughts. In accordance with other people who have replied to this thread, I do agree and ask of you to please have some class and remove any information whatsoever that could possibly be linked into figuring out who this kid is. So everything from fraternity, major, graduation year; basically everything except "Stevens Student." And note I am using the term kid, since that's what this individual is, a kid; not some power-hungry old senile person who lives and dies off politics, like Kurt is portraying himself to be.
Personally this only voting I do Sports talk radio, since that seems to be honest; unlike the current politics of Hoboken as Kurt is so clearly demonstrating.
In fact I would just say make everyone's life a little easier and remove this article all together.
1 reply · active 727 weeks ago
Student-truth's avatar

Student-truth · 727 weeks ago

Information suppressor! Maybe the kid has other problematic tendencies as well.
Vote Zimmer.'s avatar

Vote Zimmer. · 727 weeks ago

Please remove anything to do with Beta Theta Pi. They are an exemplar fraternity and this student made an honest mistake. There is no reason to leave his fraternity, and any other group he is a part of out to dry. Surely you can show some class, and be above the mud-sligging of Mason and Co. and remove anything to do with the fraternity as we do not encourage political corruptness, and we honestly believe this was an honest mistake made by a "young and dumb" college student.

We will be doing our best over here at Beta to educate our young brothers against scams like this that could ruin ones career post-graduation for silly make a quick buck schemes where adults try to put the shirt over your head.

Please do leave the entire article up so future students do not make this mistake and best of luck to you and your political party in the coming election.


A concerned advisor
remove personal info's avatar

remove personal info · 727 weeks ago

you messed with the wrong individual. have a taste of your own medicine you idiot. remove all party affiliations and it will stop.
8 replies · active 727 weeks ago
I am guessing your brothers are rather annoyed with you, huh? Don't worry, it doesn't reflect poorly on them at all. I'd be annoyed w/ you if you were a member of my frat (I'd also have mentioned it to someone too b/c if one of my brothers pulled this stunt - I'd be pissed!).
Ronald Rimjob's avatar

Ronald Rimjob · 727 weeks ago

Are you in a T-shirt club?
André René Roussimoff (Bulgarian: Андрей Рене Руссимов; Polish: Andrzej Renat Russimow) (19 May 1946 – 27 January 1993),[3][5] best known as André the Giant, was a French professional wrestler and actor. He is well known as Fezzik in the classic movie The Princess Bride.[1] His great size was a result of gigantism, and led to him being dubbed "The Eighth Wonder of the World".[6][7]
In the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), Roussimoff is a one-time WWF Champion[8] and a one-time WWF World Tag Team Champion.[9] In 1993, he was the first inductee into the WWF Hall of Fame.[6][10

Early life

André René Roussimoff was born in France, of Bulgarian and Polish descent. He was the third of five children. As a child, he was referred to by his parents as Dédé and very early on displayed symptoms of his acromegaly, reaching a height of 6'3" and weight of 240 pounds by age 12. Unable to fit on the school bus he was driven to school by playwright Samuel Beckett who was an acquaintance of his father.[11] Roussimoff was a good student but left school after 8th grade because he did not feel having a high school education was necessary to live and work on a farm that was not his own. As an adolescent, he worked on the farm, completed an apprenticeship in woodworking, then worked in a factory that manufactured engines for hay balers, but none of these jobs brought him any satisfaction.[12]
[edit]Professional wrestling career

[edit]Early career
At 18 years of age, Roussimoff moved to Paris and was taught the art of professional wrestling by a local promoter who knew there would be good money in André's future. Roussimoff trained at night and worked as a mover during the day in order to pay living expenses.[12] Roussimoff was billed as "Géant Ferré", taken from the name of a mythical French giant, and began his career wrestling in Paris and surrounding areas. Montreal-native promoter and wrestler, Frank Valois, met Roussimoff in 1966 and became his business manager and close adviser. For the next few years, Roussimoff began making a name for himself wrestling in England, Germany, New Zealand and Africa.[2][4][12]
Roussimoff made his Japan debut in 1970, billed as "Monster Roussimoff", wrestling for International Wrestling Enterprise. Wrestling there as both a singles and tag team competitor, he quickly won the company's tag team championship alongside Michael Nador.[4][13] It was during Roussimoff's time in Japan when doctors first informed him that he suffered from acromegaly, a hormonal disorder, which can lead to gigantism.[4][12]
After his stint in Japan, Roussimoff moved to Montreal, Canada. He became an immediate success, regularly selling out the Montreal Forum.[14] However, promoters eventually ran out of plausible opponents to fight him and, as his novelty wore off, gate receipts dwindled.[12] In 1972, Roussimoff wrestled numerous times for Verne Gagne's American Wrestling Association (AWA) as a special attraction until Valois reached out to Vince McMahon, Sr., founder of the World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF) for help.[15] McMahon suggested a couple of changes to Roussimoff's gimmick. He felt Roussimoff should be portrayed as a large, immovable monster. To enhance his significant size McMahon discouraged Roussimoff from performing maneuvers such as dropkicks, as he had been doing due to his natural athleticism. McMahon also began billing Roussimoff as "André the Giant" and set up a travel-intensive schedule, loaning him to wrestling territories all over the world,[10][16] so he would not wear out his welcome in any one area.[12] To receive André, promoters had to guarantee André a certain amount of money, as well as pay McMahon's WWWF a booking fee.[17]
[edit]World Wide Wrestling Federation/World Wrestling Federation
I <3 GIANTS's avatar

I <3 GIANTS · 727 weeks ago

edit]Face run (1973–1987)
On 26 March 1973, André made his WWWF debut as a fan favorite, defeating Buddy Wolfe in New York's Madison Square Garden.[1][10][18]
André was one of WWF's most beloved "babyfaces" throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. As such, Gorilla Monsoon insisted that André was never defeated for 15 years by pinfall or submission prior to WrestleMania III. This, however, is not true. André actually had lost cleanly in matches outside of the parameters of WWF; a pinfall loss in Mexico to Canek in 1984 and a submission loss in Japan to Antonio Inoki in June 1986.[19][20] He also went sixty-minute time limit draws with the two other major world champions of the day, Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel.
In 1982, Vince McMahon, Sr. sold the World Wrestling Federation (which had dropped "Wide" from its name in 1979) to his son, Vince McMahon, Jr.. As McMahon began to expand his newly acquired promotion to the national level, he required his wrestlers to appear exclusively for him. McMahon signed André to these terms in 1984, although he still allowed the Giant to work in Japan for New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW).[21]
One of André's feuds pitted him against "the Mongolian Giant" Killer Khan. According to the storyline, Khan had snapped André's ankle during a match on May 2, 1981, in Rochester, New York by leaping off the top rope and crashing down upon it with his knee-drop.[22] In reality, André had broken his ankle getting out of bed the morning before the match.[12][23] The injury and subsequent rehabilitation was worked into the existing André/Khan storyline. After a stay at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, André returned with payback on his mind. The two battled on July 20, 1981 at Madison Square Garden in a match that resulted in a double disqualification. Their feud continued through the summer and fall as fans filled arenas up and down the east coast to witness their matches. On November 14, 1981 at the Philadelphia Spectrum, the feud culminated when André decisively defeated Khan in what was billed as a "Mongolian Stretcher Match", in which the loser must be taken to the dressing room on a stretcher.[24]
Another feud involved a man who considered himself to be "the true giant" of wrestling: Big John Studd.[22] Throughout the early to mid-1980s, André and Studd fought all over the world, battling to try and determine who the real giant of wrestling was. In December 1984, Studd took the feud to a new level, when he and partner Ken Patera knocked out André during a televised tag team match and proceeded to cut off André's hair.[22] After gaining revenge on Patera, André met Studd in a "Body Slam Challenge" at the first WrestleMania, held March 31, 1985 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. André slammed Studd to win the match and collect the $15,000 prize, then proceeded to throw cash to the fans before having the bag stolen from him by Studd's manager, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.[25]
The following year, at WrestleMania 2 on 7 April 1986, André continued to display his dominance by winning a twenty-man battle royal which featured top NFL stars and wrestlers.[26] André last eliminated Bret Hart to win the contest.[27] Afterward, André continued his feud with Studd and King Kong Bundy. André was suspended after a no-show (in reality, he needed time off to film The Princess Bride); he returned under a mask as "The Giant Machine" part of a team with "Big Machine" (Robert Windham) and "Super Machine" (Bill Eadie) (The Machines gimmick was copied from New Japan Pro Wrestling character "Super Strong Machine", played by Japanese wrestler Junji Hirata).[28] Soon afterward, Giant Machine disappeared, and André was reinstated, to the approval of Bobby Heenan.
[edit]Feud with Hulk Hogan; WWF Champion (1987–1988)
Main article: WrestleMania III
André agreed to turn heel in early 1987 to be the counter to the biggest "babyface" in professional wrestling at that time, Hulk Hogan.[29] On an edition of Piper's Pit in January 1987, Hogan was presented a trophy for being the WWF World Heavyweight Champion for three years; André came out to congratulate him.[30] On the following week's Piper's Pit, André was presented a slightly smaller trophy for being "the only undefeated wrestler in wrestling history." Although André had suffered a handful of countout and disqualification losses in WWF, he had never been pinned or forced to submit in a WWF ring. Hogan came out to congratulate André and ended up being the focal point of the interview. A visibly annoyed André walked out in the midst of Hogan's speech.[31][32] A "discussion" between
WWE FANATIC's avatar

WWE FANATIC · 727 weeks ago

André and Hogan was scheduled, and on a Piper's Pit that aired February 7, 1987, the two met.[33] Hogan was introduced first, followed by André. However, much to the shock of both Hogan and host, Roddy Piper, André was led by longtime rival Bobby Heenan. Speaking on behalf of his new protege, Heenan accused Hogan of using André. Hogan tried to reason with André but his pleads were ignored as he challenged Hogan to a match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania III before ripping the t-shirt and crucifix from Hogan.[34]
At WrestleMania III, he was billed at 520 lb (240 kg),[35] and the stress of such immense weight on his bones and joints resulted in constant pain.[12] After recent back surgery, he was also wearing a brace underneath his wrestling singlet. Hogan won the match after body slamming André, followed by Hogan's running leg drop finisher.[35] Years later, Hogan claimed that André was so heavy, he felt more like 700 lb (320 kg), and that he actually tore his latissimus dorsi muscle slamming him. Another famous story about the match is that no one knew if André would lose the match. André had agreed to lose the match some time before, mostly for health reasons, though he almost pinned Hogan (albeit unintentionally) in the early goings of the match. Contrary to popular belief, it was not the first time that Hogan had successfully bodyslammed André in a WWF match. A then-heel Hogan bodyslammed a then-face André early in a match in Hamburg, Pennsylvania on 13 September 1980, though André was much lighter and more athletic at the time.[36] This, of course, took place back in the territorial days of wrestling three years before WWF began its national expansion (André had also previously allowed Harley Race, El Canek, and Stan Hansen to slam him.)[37][38] By the time WrestleMania III had rolled around, the WWF had gone national, giving more meaning to the André-Hogan match that took place then. The feud between André and Hogan simmered during the summer of 1987, even as Roussimoff's health declined. The feud would begin heating up again when each wrestler was named the captain of rival teams at the inaugural Survivor Series event. André's team won the main event after André pinned Bam Bam Bigelow.[39]
In the meantime, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase failed to persuade Hogan to sell him the WWF World Championship. After failing to defeat Hogan in a subsequent series of matches, DiBiase turned to André to win it for him.[40] Acting as his hired gun, André won the WWF title from Hogan on 5 February 1988 in a match where it was later revealed appointed referee Dave Hebner was "detained backstage", and a replacement who DiBiase paid to get plastic surgery to look like Dave (in reality, his twin brother Earl Hebner), made a three count on Hogan while his shoulders were off the mat. After winning, André "sold" the title to DiBiase; the transaction was declared invalid

BUT WAIT THERES MORE · 727 weeks ago

by then-WWF President Jack Tunney and the title was vacated.[8] This was shown on WWF's NBC program The Main Event. At WrestleMania IV, André and Hulk Hogan fought to a double disqualification in a WWF title tournament match (with the idea in the storyline saying that André was again working on DiBiase's behalf in giving DiBiase a clearer path in the tournament). Afterward, André and Hogan's feud died down after a steel cage match held at WrestleFest on 31 July 1988 in Milwaukee. He and DiBiase also wrestled Hogan and "Macho Man" Randy Savage in the main event of SummerSlam; the DiBiase-André team lost, despite apparently having referee Jesse "the Body" Ventura on their side.[41]
[edit]Various Feuds; The Colossal Connection; WrestleMania VI (1988–1990)
André's next major feud was against Jake "The Snake" Roberts. In this storyline, it was said André was deathly afraid of snakes, something Roberts exposed on Saturday Night's Main Event when he threw his snake, Damien, on the frightened André; as a result, André suffered a kayfabe mild heart attack and vowed revenge. During the next few weeks, Roberts frequently walked to ringside during André's matches, causing him to run from the ring in fright (since he knew what was inside the bag). Throughout their feud (which culminated at WrestleMania V), Roberts constantly used Damien to gain a psychological edge over the much larger and stronger André.
In 1989, André and the returning Big John Studd briefly reprised their feud, this time with Studd as a face and André as the heel. Later, during the late summer and fall of 1989, André engaged in a brief feud (almost entirely consisting of house shows (non-televised events), save for a SNME title defense) with then-Intercontinental champion The Ultimate Warrior. The younger Warrior, WWF's rising star, regularly squashed the aging André in an attempt to showcase his star quality and promote him as the "next big thing".[42][43]
In the fall of 1989, André was joined with fellow Heenan Family member Haku to form a new tag team called The Colossal Connection, in part to fill a void left by the departure of Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson (The Brain Busters, who were also members of Heenan's stable) from the WWF, and also to continue to keep the aging André in the main event spotlight. The Colossal Connection immediately targeted WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition (who had recently won the belts from the Brain Busters). At a television taping on December 13, 1989, the Colossal Connection defeated Demolition to win the titles.[9] André and Haku successfully defended their titles, mostly against Demolition, until WrestleMania VI on April 1, 1990, when Demolition took advantage of a mistimed move by the champions to regain the belts.[44] After the match, a furious Heenan blamed André for the title loss and after shouting at him slapped him in the face; an angry André responded with a slap of his own that sent Heenan staggering from the ring.[45] André also caught Haku's kick attempt, sending him reeling from the ring as well, prompting loud cheers for André for the first time in three years. André went into the match as a heel, but left as a face.
[edit]Sporadic appearances André continued to make appearances in the WWF throughout 1990 and 1991. He came to the aid of The Big Bossman in his WrestleMania VII match against Mr. Perfect.[46]
OH YEAH GURL's avatar

OH YEAH GURL · 727 weeks ago

His last major WWF storyline following WrestleMania VII had the major heel managers (Bobby Heenan, Sensational Sherri, Slick, and Mr. Fuji) trying to recruit André one-by-one, only to be turned down in various humiliating ways (i.e. Heenan had his hand crushed, Sherri received a spanking, Slick got locked in the trunk of the car he was offering to André and Mr Fuji got a pie in his face). Finally, Jimmy Hart appeared live on WWF Superstars to announce that he successfully signed André to tag-team with Earthquake. However, when asked to confirm by Gene Okerlund, André denied the claims. This led to Earthquake attacking André from behind (injuring his knee).[47] Jimmy Hart would later get revenge for the humiliation by secretly signing Tugboat and forming The Natural Disasters.[48] This led to André's final major WWF appearance at SummerSlam '91, where he seconded The Bushwhackers in their match against the Disasters.[49] He also made an appearance later in the year to help The British Bulldog who had just won a Battle Royal in London.
His last U.S. television appearance was in a brief interview on World Championship Wrestling's (WCW) Clash of the Champions XX special that aired on TBS on 2 September 1992.[50]
[edit]All Japan Pro Wrestling (1990–1992)
fter WrestleMania VI, André spent the rest of his in-ring career in All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW). He toured with AJPW three times per year, from September 1990 to 1992, usually teaming with Giant Baba in tag team matches.[51] He wrestled his final match in December 1992.
[edit]Acting career

André branched out into acting in the 1970s and 1980s, making his acting debut playing a Sasquatch ("Bigfoot") on the 1970s television series The Six Million Dollar Man.[52] He went on to appear in other television shows, including The Greatest American Hero, B.J. and the Bear, and The Fall Guy. He also participated in an episode of Zorro.[53]
Towards the end of his career, André also starred in several movies. He had an uncredited appearance in the 1984 film — Conan the Destroyer, as Dagoth,[54][55] the resurrected horned giant god who is killed by Conan (Arnold Schwarzenegger). But he appeared most notably as Fezzik (his favorite role)[1] in the 1987 film The Princess Bride. Both the film and Andre's performance have retained a devoted following.
In his final film, he appeared in something of a cameo role as a circus giant in the comedy Trading Mom, which was not released until the year after his death.[56]
[edit]Personal life

Roussimoff had one daughter,[12] Robin Christensen, who was born in 1979.
The disease that granted him his immense size eventually began to take its toll on his body. By the late 1980s, André was in constant, near-crippling pain, and his heart struggled to pump blood throughout his massive body.
According to William Goldman, author of The Princess Bride and its respective screenplay, André was having such terrible back pain during the filming of the movie that in the first shooting of a scene where Robin Wright drops about one foot and is caught by André, he fell to one knee and almost dropped her.
In the A&E documentary, Biography, Arnold Skaaland mentions how André wished he could see a Broadway play. Arnold offered to buy tickets, but André then passed up the opportunity, citing how he was too big for the seats and that people behind him would not be able to see. This was cited as a principal reason for why André frequented taverns more than anywhere else.
André was mentioned in the 1974 Guinness Book of World Records as the highest paid wrestler in history up to that time. He had earned $400,000 in one year alone during the early 1970s.[57]
He has been unofficially crowned "The Greatest Drunk on Earth"[58] for once consuming 119 12-ounce beers in 6 hours.[59] On an episode of WWE's Legends of Wrestling, Mike Graham claimed that André once drank 156 16-ounce beers in one sitting, which was confirmed by Dusty Rhodes. Such feats can be attributed to his much larger than usual size, meaning it would take higher volumes of liquor to inebriate him. In her autobiography, The Fabulous Moolah alleges that André drank 127 beers in a Reading, Pennsylvania hotel bar and later passed out in the lobby. Because the staff could not move him, they had to leave him there until he regained consciousness.[60]
André was arrested by the Linn County, Iowa sheriff in August 1989 and charged with assault after he allegedly roughed up a local television cameraman.[61][62]
André died in his sleep due to congestive heart failure on the night of January 27, 1993, in a Paris hotel room.[1][63] He was in Paris to attend the funeral of his father.[64] André's body was cremated in accordance with his wishes and his ashes scattered at his ranch in Ellerbe, North Carolina.[12][65]
Not the same person's avatar

Not the same person · 727 weeks ago

Who is the clown. I'm beginning to think he's a conspiracy theorist. Get a job loser.
The effort failed. There was not one college student with a Beth Mason sign or tee shirt last night. Is the "crime wave" and "dirty streets" the best these clowns can come up with? How many "home invasions" were there last year, 10 years ago? There is no statistical truth that I can see. Most of the growth in the past 10 years has been in my 2nd ward. We are now the largest Ward in Hoboken. I live next to Elysian Park. Every weekend The Maxwell gang rumbles with the Eli Manning Tea gang with their Uzi's. What a sham.
Whoa! This is all a little heavy handed folks.

Don't personally demonize some kid for trying to make a buck. He may be a little misguided, but be honest, how many of you knew a damned thing about local politics in the town you went to college in?

It's been 20 years since I was in school, but the memory of getting down to my last $20 in my bank account on numerous occasions isn't one that I will ever forget. I did all kinds of odd jobs to pay the rent. Cut him some slack.

Sounds like he got straightened out, but jeez, some of you need to relax!
5 replies · active 727 weeks ago
If he had been straightend out, he wouldn't have harassed Kurt or be on this thread making stupid threats or posting 20 times w/ 20 different screen names. Honestly, the way this has progressed over the last day, I not only wouldn't redact any more information, I'd put his name back up in the article. He is asking for a favor but acting like a complete douche in the process. He needs to learn to ask nicely and that harassing someone w/ a few hundred texts is likely not to get you the response you want.
Bluerider765's avatar

Bluerider765 · 727 weeks ago

Do you seriously believe any person (other than you) would waste his time blogging all day from 20 different names? Why don't you release your name and information to everybody?
They're a bunch of dumbass kids, what did you expect?

I was in a fraternity too, and we were all pretty much dumbass kids regardless of how many fund raisers and blah blah blah we did for the community. Fraternities are all about having stuff to do, and 2/3rd of it is about partying and trying to get laid.

Kid, he took your name down, now kindly STFU and go away. Consider it a lesson learned and get on with your life. He didn't have to take it down, but he did, sorry it wasn't immediate enough for you.
It wasn't even the kid complaining. You are all clowns. This blog stuff is so ridiculous.
MommyPaysMyBills's avatar

MommyPaysMyBills · 727 weeks ago

What's ridiculous is that you actually spent your time to come here and write anything at all...Buuuut you're just too cool for it, right?
Fraternity's avatar

Fraternity · 727 weeks ago

It's a fraternity not a "frat" you clown
4 replies · active 727 weeks ago
That's right as you can tell these toddlers want to be taken very seriously
Redrider765's avatar

Redrider765 · 727 weeks ago

i belittle other to make myself feel better about my own short-commings

OLDNEWCOMER2 · 727 weeks ago

OK, fratboy douche.
Ronald Rimjob's avatar

Ronald Rimjob · 727 weeks ago

OldNewComer... so ironic...
bloggers are fags's avatar

bloggers are fags · 727 weeks ago

hahahaahha look at all the angry virgin bloggers
Really, she wants Stevens students to support her, meanwhile the first thing out of her mouth at the debate yesterday was about how she started her political career to stop Stevens from building a parking garage underneath DeBaun field?!

those engineering students are really threatening. Smarten up knuckleheads. Actions have consequences.

You were just taught a valuable lesson and the jolly Green Giant didnt charge you 52k a year.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
If you are smart enough you get to go to school for free and till make 80K when you graduate!
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