Saturday, December 5, 2009

Video Comedy- Hoboken 411's Perry Klaussen Pizza Tasting

Update: Dear anonymous poster, Perry Klaussen doesn't have a big schnoz, it is just the camera angle. See:

Perry Klaussen and his schnoz after all the lies and B.S. Or is it photoshop?
Update: OMFG - Did his nose actually grow after my last repost Saturday afternoon?

Original Post: Some of the Hoboken Journal's readers have asked me, "who is this guy that runs that website Hoboken 411"? That person is the self-professed one man band none other than Perry Klaussen. Some of those readers will then say "yeah, I know his name but what does he look like?" Since he rarely attends the meetings he covers (with ghost writers feeding him information), many do not know this man by sight. Rather than waste my time trying to snap pictures of this guy (I don't want to get my camera dirty) I have provided a few links on YouTube so you can see for yourself what the self-professed proprietor of Hoboken's "best trafficked website" (of one-stop clickthroughs) looks like.

These two videos in sequence are pretty telling. The first video the cock-sure Klaussen is 100% positive that the slices of pizza before him are going to be fabulous. He states "I just know, I can smell it, I can smell it, I can taste it already." No, this was not a Beth Mason mayoral electoral victory he was talking about! :)

His display reminds me of the cockiness and arrogance of the now politically defunct grinder of powder Peter Cammarano. No wonder Perry had such an affinity and like of Peter in his brief 31 days in office. Those trampoline puff pieces were testaments of the most flattering form of man-love pseudo journalism I have ever seen. But as we know now, how quickly Perry turned back to Beth Mason, his gravy train when Peter took his big fall. Spam Anyone?

In the second video Perry issues his first retraction that I have ever witnessed by the guy and it must be noted that this was not on Hoboken 411.

Big thanks goes out to YouTuber munchmobile2007 for the videos. ◦