Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Its back - Better than never! - Beth Mason Snow Blowing Service

Last year, Beth Mason, as the recent defeated candidate as Mayoral hopeful after the November special election, had her first opportunity to win over 2nd Ward and other Hoboken residents with her free "Snow Blowing Service". However, the last potential storm when she offered this only yielded less than 2 inches and I doubted many people took her up on her offer.

The latest Hoboken snow storm which fell just as recently as December 26-27 did not see this service re-instituted and I initially thought that it was a one time gimmick thought up by her army of political consultants just to get a few cheap votes. Boy was I wrong! It turns out that Beth Mason (aka Hoboken wannabe Hoboken Mayor in exile) was actually on vacation in Turkey according to my sources. How does Beth Mason propose to be any better than Mayor Dawn Zimmer when she takes a vacation during a snow storm just as the Mayor herself did? Of course in both their defenses: isn't Christmas holiday season a great time to take a break and spend time with family?

Now, who could deprive either of them of that? Evil people perhaps or those with political agendas of over-development and a propensity toward twittering negativity while not upholding their end of the bargain as President of the Hoboken Chamber of Commerce. That person failed to have a concrete plan for Hoboken's Washington Street businesses to do their part as well (on the whole) during the last storm. The Hoboken Journal will be watching you, Mike Novak very closely to see what you are about in a time of snow emergency. I won't be accepting no snow jobs either.

My suggestion is that if you need help with snow shoveling from Beth Mason that you do take her up on the offer. The offer is legitimate and last time I called the number was indeed real. Be fair, she might get overwhelmed so don't expect her to give you immediate service as this storm promises to pack a punch. Just feel free to grade her as Hoboken 411 sought to grade Dawn Zimmer with the same language and attitude exhibited by that site for the sake of political posturing. Truth be told the Zimmer Administration could have done a better job from what I have seen so far tonight, the plows are out early and often with their blades down and their drivers working hard. I gave at least 5 drivers the thumbs up for a job well done so far.

If you care to share send your Beth Mason snow blowing stories to my email at Inquiring minds want to know.

Beth Mason offers free snowblowing service to residents.
