Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti and Pat Robertson - Editorial

Pat Robertson on Haiti's "Pact with the Devil"

Let me preface this post by saying this brief editorial is not an attack on religion but on religious demagoguery. At the top of this quasi-religious shitpile is Pat Robertson, the 700 Club sheister that along side that other Elmer Gantry-esque huckster and gay basher Jerry Falwell blamed the 911 terrorists attacks on the moral decay of New York and its residents.

Now this dollar grabbing douchebag of demagoguery is chastising the residents of Haiti. He refers to a deal that the Hatians made with Satan to get out from under the heel French in the 1800's. He refers the earthquake as perhaps "a blessing in disguise" that perhaps Haiti has been under a curse ever since then.

The backlash from his remarks have been broad from both sides of the political and religious spectrum. Even devout Christians have basically said that Pat Robertson is very arrogant as to claim to know God's will. They cite scripture that only God knows what the plan is.

For a secular explanation all you you to do is look at science and a failed government to explain Haiti's turmoil. Haiti is in the path of numerous Hurricanes, they have a nearly deforested landscape, no building codes, very poor infrastructure and now are also prone to Earthqakes as well. I'm sure true Chritians and members of other faiths are praying heavily for the Haitian people. I'm sure that most Haitian's would prefer to be getting those prayers from true Christians and other faiths rather than Pat Robertson.

If ever there ever was a case that a strong government is necessary for an advanced society it is Haiti. Without regulation, rule of law, conservation and central plannning, you can't build the infrastructure to support businesses in the private sector to create the economic conditions that are necessary to improve the standard of living for the people. Until that happens, Haitians will continue to be impoverished.

Here are Pat Robertson's remarks:

Here are reactions from Hans Mardy of who is part of the relief efforts in Haiti:

Pat Robertson has a right to what he believes, I also reserve the right to criticize him when I think he goes to far politically and spiritually. Share your thoughts below...... ◦


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