In this YouTube video he rants about why men should never get married. A part of me was concerned that he was going to drop dead of a heart attack in the middle of his rant. Warning: This contains much foul language and misogyny so if you are easily offended by this please don't watch or do watch but don't blame me. Some men who have been hurt might find this advice useful I will have to admit. I personally don't look down on the institution of marriage but caution anyone embarking on that level of commitment to choose carefully (of course).
The "Brooklyn Kid on Why Men Should Stay Single" :
You would think after watching that video "The Kid From Brooklyn" would not be a supporter of gay marriage but you would be wrong. "The Kid From Brooklyn" supports gay marriage since we should all suffer equally in his view. Who would have thunk it?
Editor's Comment: Some might ask why I am posting this post. If you are curious it is simple, if you are going to be angry and full of vitriol at least be funny or entertaining like this guy is. He is a hoot if not a bit of a nut. I also posted this is that the progressive cause for equal rights like gay marriage can come from some unusual sources like this "Archie Bunker" type from old school Brooklyn. Don't always judge a book by its cover. Please note that I do not condone his positions on other minorities and will not publish here. ◦

Hobokenswabee · 760 weeks ago
You ever hear Chris Rock do his monologue about sex and marriage? It is really funny, just not as funny as this guy. Watch Chris Rock talk about getting oral sex. How many of your married buddies can even get that?
Go around the world and you find that woman actually enjoy making their men happy. In America, well cough, cough, it doesn't even make the list. This guy has it about right.
nice · 445 weeks ago
nice · 445 weeks ago
nice · 445 weeks ago
nice · 445 weeks ago
nice · 445 weeks ago