Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mike Lenz Meet and Greet Photo Recap

Thursday night at the new West End Station Mike Lenz hosted a meet and greet at West End Station I stopped by to take a few photos and make a few observations. One of those was the turnout was pretty good. Mike had a few of his usual core supporters like Tony Soares and the Mayor show up but also residents of the 4th Ward as well. They will never make a  movie about Mike Lenz's political campaigning prowess called "the Natural" as he is more disposed of just doing the work, but it was encouraging that I was able to see him have extensive conversations with quite a few 4th residents during the meet and greet.

Outside the event two youths were handing out the Hoboken 411 unsubstantiated smear piece on Mike Lenz courtesy of the ghost writer Lane Bajardi on behalf of the Tim Occhipinti campaign. On my walk home  made a loop around Tim Occhipinti's headquarters around 10PM to spot yet another late night meeting at Tim Occhipinti's HQ. From my perspective it looked the cast from the Sopranos. For a campaign that once seemed cocky about their chances to win (and yes they are the odds on favorite based on my anecdotal assessment of this election) these late night meetings are either indicative of hard work or some serious track covering based on the recent allegations brought to light by the Lenz campaign.

Below are a few photos from the event......

Mike Lenz talking to Constituents

A Mike Lenz "Volunteer" - $40 per vote not required

Good turnout for meet and greet



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