Monday, February 9, 2009

Email from Peter Cunningham on Retirement Fiasco

This weekend I recieved an email from Peter Cunningham on the recently reported retirement fiasco. He refered to Dawn Zimmer's letter and added his own comments:

I am outraged and disgusted over this matter. There are many fine people that work very hard in Hoboken City government, but because of the continued failures of few (incompetency and politics), we take one step forward then two steps back. And again, no one accepts accountability? How can this be? We must DEMAND accountability.

We were duped again to thinking these layoffs were approved by the State, but obviously not, and now have to pay again?

In twelve/eighteen months we have seen waste after waste with $1 million in missing parking utility revenue; $2.2 million in parking utility failures and contract negotiations, $8.4 million in failed discussions with Toll Brothers/Maxwell Place; $10 million in overspending in 2008 budget AND now $4.2 million in pension costs due to unapproved retirement plan. This is nearly $25 million in lost opportunity, and no doubt the audit (which is due now) will uncover more.

Stay tuned and ready for action.

Peter Cunningham
