Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lower Hoboken - Recent Newsletter

There is another group besides the Hoboken Tax Reform Coalition that is concern about property taxes, it is the social network group Read below for their latest public message. reached another milestone this week surpassing 840 members and adding 100 new members in the past 7 days alone. Clearly the citizens of Hoboken are frustrated and in need of information. For previous editions of this newsletter, visit our Forum.Please continue to encourage your friends and neighbors to sign up to the site and post/blog. Can you post the attached flyer in your building and around your neighborhood? As promised, a copy of our weekly newsletter is below...

Please join us at the city council meeting Wednesday, February 4rd at 7pm in City Hall. Running late? The meetings usually run until 10pm… stop in at any time.

On the agenda:

-An ordinance to issue a 25 year TAX EXEMPTION to develop 1320 Grand and 1321/1325 Adams st.

-An ordinance to reduce the salaries of the mayor and council by 10%. It took more than 6 months to bring this to vote, come show your support to make sure it passes!

- 3rd Quarter Tax Bills (The City runs on a fiscal year from July to June).

- A resolution approving the 3rd quarter tax bill will be introduced. We hear the rates will be the same as the first two quarters! Where are the cost reductions?!! When will taxpayers get some relief.

Meet and Greet:

After the council meeting stop in McSwiggans on 1st and Bloomfield to meet other members of We should be there after 10pm, ask the bartender where we are.

What happened last week:

-Hoboken University Medical Center- in last week's meeting HUMC announced they are laying off 5% of their workforce in an attempt to cut 8.5 Million from their 130 Million dollar budget. Read about it here:

-The Church Towers PILOT (payment in liue of taxes) extension was taken off this week's council meeting agenda because of the need for further investigation. Read about it here:

-Council Member Dawn Zimmer announces her bid for mayor. Read about it here:

-MORE REDEVELOPMENT? Did you hear what the mayor is proposing for blocks 14th-17th between Grand and Park? Read about it here:

-Contract negotiations for Municipal workers will begin in a few weeks. If you have not already, check out Hoboken Tax Reform Coalitions petition for give backs.

Additional notes: Thanks to everyone who came out on a beautiful Sunday morning to pass out flyers and spread the word about! Check out some of us having bloody marys at Madison's afterwards: (sorry we didn't get everyone in the pic)

Here is the latest Newsletter in SlideShare:
