Saturday, February 7, 2009

Message from Dawn Zimmer on Early Retirements Fiasco

Here is an email I received from Dawn Zimmer on the announcement on the "Early Retirement Fiasco" recently announced in the media:

Dear Friends,
As you may have already heard, Hoboken taxpayers are going to be hit with the result of more fiscal irresponsibility by the Roberts' Administration. I wanted to share the statement that I sent to Hoboken411 and Hoboken Now yesterday, and let you know that I will be pressing hard for all the facts in this matter and for those responsible to be held accountable. I will email more information next week.



We recently learned that the Roberts' Administration implemented an Early Retirement Program that did not comply with the State's requirements. For reasons that are at this point unclear, Corporation Counsel, Steve Kleinman, and then Business Administrator, Richard England, presented the plan for approval to the City Council without having received the necessary State approvals which would have established the legality of the plan.

As a result, the State has advised us that Hoboken property tax payers are on the hook for another $4.2 million, in addition to the 84% tax increase already imposed. Once again, playing fast and loose with fiscal matters has made our budget troubles even worse. The Council must work with the fiscal monitor to ensure that that all the relevant facts are disclosed and that the individuals responsible are held accountable. We must also work with Ms. Tripodi and the State to develop a strategy to spread out this cost. Taxpayers already hit with a huge increase and declining economy cannot bear the brunt of this costly mistake in this year's 3rd and 4th quarter tax periods.

My take: One thing for sure, Mayor Dave Roberts won't be able to pin all of the blame on the City Council this time. Question" Will he try? Stay tuned for a possible $1600 full page ad in the Hoboken Reporter to put a spin on this one. I for one hope he does not try his tricks and for once does a mea culpa and accepts responsibility. Hasn't he shamed himself enough?

Editors Note: If any other Council person or reader cares to post a response to this issue please email me at
