Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Terry Labruno vs. Bill O'Reilly - Who is Angrier?

As current Hoboken BOE president Carmelo Garcia said at a recent meeting "Anger is one letter away from Danger" (you can't make this stuff up folks) I give a tribute to those angry Politicians or Politicos who lose their stack (not Brian) or composure in a public setting. With Christian Bale's recent outbursts on the Hollywood set of Terminator 4 and Terry Labruno's outburst at City Council Chambers, I bring up on old Bill O'Reilly video to compare the theatrics of Terry Vs. Bill, two political figures I would like to see a lot less of.

Terry Labruno Last Hoboken City Council Meeting:

Video posted by estevens

Bill O'Reilly quite a while ago (Warning: swearing invloved):
