Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mason Handout - At it Again with the Corzine Connection Power Lust

The unfortunate and unrelenting desire to so badly to be attached to the Jon Corzine campaign continues from the Beth Mason Campaign. These bi-lingual handouts show voters exactly how to vote using the machines. To me these handouts kind of insult one's intelligence. Maybe these handouts help those who can't see as well vote for the candidate of their choice.

As I said before and will say again. The Corzine campaign isn't too happy about this campaign tactic according to my source. Perhaps the new slogan should be, "Beth Mason, putting herself before Jon Corzine". Kind of has a double meaning doesn't it?

Beth Mason's preferred candidates are Jon Corzine, herself (of course) and Ruben Ramos plus a few other Democrats down the party line. If she is supporting Ruben Ramos, could Beth Mason be planning to support Chris Campos in a comeback bid coming soon? That anticipated support would be when Dawn either vacates her seat upon winning the Mayor's race (most likely) or tries to run again as 4th Ward in 2011if she should fail to win tonight (much less likely but certainly possible).

I have included the English section from the handout for reference:
