Thursday, August 5, 2010

The sentence is.....

The judge remarked that Peter Cammarano was a rising political star and that incidents like this are far far too commonplace in New Jersey. He acknowledged that he believes Peter Cammarano is sincere in his remorse but stated this is a serious offense of political corruption and that there needs to be protection of the public trust as well.

Cammarano has been sentenced to 24 months for his one count of corruption under color of official right and supervisory release for 2 years. Peter Cammarano will surrender on September 20th to serve his sentence.

Editorial Statement: This is a very tough day for a broken man. I can tell you that my mood is not one of elation on this. Hopefully Hoboken can move forward from this events but more importantly learn that shortcuts to success are never the right way to go.  Even more important than that is to not taint the public trust and to campaign with a sense of ethics and regard for the citizens of Hoboken even if it means that a politician could lose a race. Perhaps I am too optimistic but that is still my hope.

With that said when the public trust was broken so blatantly like it was, there must be some punishment for such crimes. Bottom line is Peter Cammarano got the minimum sentence according Federal guidelines. Do you think this was enough time or should the sentence have been more or less? Share your thoughts below. ◦