Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Letter to the Editor in Support of Mayor Dawn Zimmer and her Layoff Plan

There is a police rally planned outside of Hoboken City Hall tonight at 6PM protesting the PBA rally against Mayor Dawn Zimmer's decision to lay off 18 Hoboken Police officers. I received this email from a reader who wanted to show their support for the Mayor and her plan...

The Zimmer administration has taken the corrective action that we have all known is long needed in dealing with our bloated police department; and of course the police and their union have already taken the traditional old school response of scare tactics and are now planning to show up en mass at tonight's City Council meeting.

Whether or not you agree with all of the specific details in the layoff and demotion plan, it must be agreed that the current reporting structure is out of balance, outdated and unsustainable and the the Table or Organization is upside down.

Please use the power of your sites to give a voice to the silent majority who do not show up to these marathon length meetings and want to see real change in Hoboken and urge them to come out in support of the administration, either in person, through letters and emails to the Mayor or letters to the editor of the local papers and blogs.

Enough with this discourse of fear and hate.


A Hoboken Journal reader (and taxpayer)