Carly also followed up with an article on whether the Hospital should have bailed out in the first place. In the article Beth Mason was quoted as being disappointed that the City Council was not notified of the likelihood of layoffs:
Here is my take: I have always supported Beth Mason's position on the HUMC. Some type of analysis was needed to determine whether or not the Hospital's business plan was viable for market conditions even before the overall collapse of the economy in 2008. Many feel that a scaled down version of the hospital and no guarantee by the City would have been a much better solution. Supporters of David Roberts plan like Peter Cammarano called Beth names like paranoid when she questioned the Hospital's finances early in 2008. Haven't we already learned the lesson of using capital funds (or selling City Assets) to fund operating expenses?
The HUMC did that very same thing and their most recent report had everything looking strong. An understandable downturn in the economy for the last quarter is one thing (probably affecting other hospitals) but I do suspect that the shaky finances of the Hospital have been there for some time.
Don't get me wrong, I am not happy with the Hospital having financial difficulty and workers possibly getting laid off. I was hoping too like Roberts that the Hospital would be a success for if it is not I might have to just foot the bill along with all other taxpayers. With that said you don't make key decisions without a grasp of economic viability. Cutting ribbons and promising steak dinners is a fanciful way to run a City, it is just no way professionally manage one. Many who voted for him in 2005 should have seen this all coming. What do you expect from a bon vivant with a penchant for ceremony?
More and more the Robert's legacy is looking like that of Bush, using fear to get the public to go along with bad decisions and deals (HUMC and the $52 million bond, Holzberg's $800,000 salary and bad business model vs. Iraq, 4,000 plus dead soldiers, Halliburton and the financial rape of the Federal Government with no bid contracts). Bush/Roberts, it is just incompetence on different scales.
Here is Peter Cammarano speaking out on those who don't trust the financial picture of the HUMC as presented at the special City Council meeting back on June 2nd, 2008:
Here is a little fun graphic to remind readers a little skepticism is always healthy...

The HUMC Authority is meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 7 p.m. The budget is scheduled to be released at that time. Enter at the emergency room entrance and go to Assumption Hall where the meeting will be. ◦