I received a comment that has prompted my post as a reply:
"Is this the new blog for baseless rumors? I had hoped this place would be more like Hoboken411 and less like the boards."
Editorial Policy: I am trying to let the comments stay up unless I can 100% prove that a statement is patently false. A lot on this particular thread is posturing and conjecture and that is too bad. As a part time blogger I don't have time to play the censor and will not engage in IP address blocking and other tactics that other sites do since I don't have my hosted servers and it is counter productive to producing content.
I will be starting to post a series of articles on issues coming soon. I implore my readers to focus more on the issues than the petty attacks which I admit sometimes I too am guilty of.
Beth Mason stated her reason for abstaining on the City Council salary reduction vote. You can agree or disagree on that decision and the resulting stalemate on the Council salary reduction vote but in my opinion it doesn't make a difference in the bottom line. I still would have liked to see it passed as a symbolic gesture to send to the unions with collective bargaining coming up but again it doesn't make a real difference.
What I really want is a plan of action for how to get us out of this mess. Who will provide such a plan? Focus on that and the discourse on this site will improve.
Just my humble opinion.
- Chief and Only Editor
Kurt Gardiner aka "Reformerus_Gianticus" ◦