Monday, February 23, 2009

Website Milestone - 5,000 Visitors

Note: Updated to take out the word unique visitor.

As one vitriolic poster correctly pointed out, in my inexperience with web tracking tools and terminology I misused the term unique visitor and for that I apologize. It is a shame that some people are so filled with hate that they have to make comments with a tone such as that. If my site has such "dribbles of traffic" then why bother making the comments at all? I highly doubt that my paltry traffic numbers constitute a threat to sites that are in it to make money. At least I publish my stats but I can't say so for other sites.

I am proud to some extent of what I have accomplished in two short months but I do realize that there are limits to how much traffic I can get as I am focused on a narrow topic. Here is the blurb from Site Meter clarifying what is a visit for further clarification:

When you are browsing a site, every time you follow a link to a new web page, it
is treated as a single page view. Site Meter defines a visit as a series of page
views by one person with no more than 30 minutes in between page views. If you
click on a link to another site, and then come back to your site within 30
minutes, you are still on the same visit and Site Meter won't increment the
counter. But Site Meter will increment the number of page views recorded for
your current visit.
Here is the original article:

The Hoboken Journal just reached a new milestone today with over 5,000 visits since I began tracking exactly two months ago. Other key stats are over 1,000 visitors in the last 7 days as well as over 11,000 page views. I would like to thank my readers to spread the word about this site if you like it.

As usual, I will take reader photos and letters and I am receptive to story suggestions. Just email me at
