The list has now grown to 60 moms officially supporting Dawn Zimmer. Here is the complete list with the additions. More moms are continuing contacting the Zimmer campaign as of this update:
1. Laura Siegel
2. Tali Gillette
3. Pam Laden
4. Jennifer Giattino
5. Jen Cunningham
6. Theresa Minutillo
7. Ruth McAllister
8. Rose Marie Markle
9. Liz Mulholland
10. Heather Khazen
11. Lauren Blumenfeld
12. Liz Urtecho
13. Aimee Sacks
14. Terri Kannenberg
15. Barbara Bravo
16. Rosemarie Pullano
17. Maggie Sarachek
18. Betty Szeto
19. Pat Kelly
20. Lauren Sapira
21. Julie Steinberg
22. Sonya Gidumal Chazin
23. Katherine Zucker
24. Holly Dwyer
25. Sylvia Dundon
26. Christine Harman
27. Deb Rosner
28. Frances Jennings
29. Colleen Oakley
30. Monica Kumar
31. Sonya Mansur
32. Jenny Tunick
33. Molly Schnyder
34. Jennifer Spadavecchia
35. Liz Omilinsky
36. Phyllis Messner
37. Heather Collins
38. Lisa Farrell
39. Hillary Quist
40. Amy Faucher
41. Cathy Tennaro
42. Christina Huntington
43. Angela Zener
44. Dilly Rai
45. Susan Chait
46. Monique Haas
47. Carrie Phillips
48. Lisa Kashish
49. Mary Ann Bowen
50. Tracey Schnabel
51. Jean Marie Mitchell
52. Meghan Brott
53. Elissa Brachfeld
54. Fili Zinal
55. Nancy Pincus
56. Andrea Hession
57. Stacy Mello
58. Bindya Bhalla
59. Alyse Battaglia
60. Cecilia Steele
Original Story posted 5/28/2009:
I received this email from Laura Siegel who is among at least 53 moms that are going on the record as supporting Dawn Zimmer. On another website that lately is increasingly pro Cammarano of its content despite previous smears, the proprietor was showing his love for at least 2 moms that were pro Peter Cammarano. I guess you could call that website proprietor a lover of mothers who love Cammarano. :) That guy is one mother of a mother lover and the machinations and spin on that site are getting to be pretty crazy these days. On a more positive note here are at least 53 moms that are supporting Dawn Zimmer for the positive message of her platform and their faith in her ability to deliver on her campaign promises. Opinions vary and that is why we have elections.
I an all fairness, I am sure there are other mothers that are supporting Peter Cammarano so expect more mothers to come out in support of him. Perhaps too brothers of those mothers as well as mothers of the mothers will come out for each candidate in addition to the previously mentioned mothers. Stay tuned, should I start working on a mother meter?:)
Here is the email:
Dear Kurt, Would you mind posting this letter, signed by fifty-three people, on your blog? I think it would be of interest to your readers.
Thank you, Laura Siegel
Hoboken Moms Support Zimmer!
Dear Hoboken Parents,
We are writing in response to the post misleadingly titled “Hoboken Mom(s) Support Cammarano” on As parents raising our children in Hoboken, we believe that Dawn Zimmer represents the best hope for the future of our city and our community – as do the majority of our friends.
Since the writers of the post did not actually cite any accomplishments or positions of Cammarano’s in their letters, we cannot respond directly to any points. Instead, here are a few reasons that Dawn Zimmer is the Family Candidate:
Better, more Responsible Government. Dawn is committed to getting Hoboken back on a sound fiscal footing through smart budgeting, honest government, and harnessing technology to make government services more efficient and transparent. She is not afraid to stand up to those who stand in the way of responsible government that serves the people, not their private interests.
Safety. Dawn will help those of us who walk this city take back our streets. We should not fear for our lives or our children’s when we cross the street. She has the expertise and the passion to make our streets safe.
Fewer administrators, more workers. Dawn is not looking to cut those who provide our city’s essential services, as some have claimed. Public safety is about having more policemen and firemen on the streets, not behind desks. She is simply looking to take out some of the wasteful spending that makes our budget soar, thereby cutting our tax bills while keeping our services. Dawn has always commended the services provided by our policemen and firemen.
Balanced and smart development. Development in Hoboken should serve the community and its vision, not the pocketbooks of a few powerful developers. Dawn will make that happen, while seeking the input and ideas of those of us who actually live here.
Greening Hoboken. Dawn will implement green initiatives that will save tax dollars and our environment. Dawn is an advocate for a bike-friendly city. She will bring us more parks, and ensure that developers provide public amenities in exchange for their development privileges.
Schools. Dawn was the only candidate to take any position on the school board election. She supported the Kids First reform slate that promises to transform our schools, and plans to work closely to support improving this most important city service.
For these reasons and so many more, we consider Dawn Zimmer the candidate of Hoboken parents.
Yours truly,
Hoboken Moms for Change
1. Laura Siegel
2. Tali Gillette
3. Pam Laden
4. Jennifer Giattino
5. Jen Cunningham
6. Theresa Minutillo
7. Ruth McAllister
8. Rose Marie Markle
9. Liz Mulholland
10. Lauren Blumenfeld
11. Tracey Schnabel
12. Liz Urtecho
13. Aimee Sacks
14. Terri Kannenberg
15. Barbara Bravo
16. Rosemarie Pullano
17. Maggie Sarachek
18. Betty Szeto
19. Pat Kelly
20. Lauren Sapira
21. Julie Steinberg
22. Sonya Gidumal Chazin
23. Katherine Zucker
24. Holly Dwyer
25. Sylvia Dundon
26. Christine Harman
27. Deb Rosner
28. Frances Jennings
29. Colleen Oakley
30. Monica Kumar
31. Sonya Mansur
32. Jenny Tunick
33. Molly Schnyder
34. Jennifer Spadavecchia
35. Liz Omilinsky
36. Phyllis Messner
37. Heather Collins
38. Lisa Farrell
39. Hillary Quist
40. Amy Faucher
41. Cathy Tennaro
42. Christina Huntington
43. Angela Zener
44. Dilly Rai
45. Susan Chait
46. Monique Haas
47. Carrie Phillips
48. Lisa Kashish
49. Stacy Mello
50. Bindya Bhalla
51. Jean Marie Mitchell
52. Meghan Brott
53. Elissa Brachfeld ◦