Original posting 5/20/2009:
Below is a press release from Peter Cammarano announcing the addition of Vincent Addeo and Raul Morales Jr. onto his slate. They were the two council candidates who made the runoff from Beth Mason's slate
Council Candidates Addeo and Morales
Join Cammarano Team
Calling Peter "Best Qualified and More Competent"
Calling Peter "Best Qualified and More Competent"
(Hoboken, N.J.) -- Hoboken City Council Candidates Vincent Addeo and Raul Morales, Jr. are endorsing Peter Cammarano for Mayor and will be running on his team with Council Candidate Angel Alicea in the June 9 run-off election.
"The question facing Hoboken is which candidate is best qualified and more capable of turning city government around and the answer is clearly Peter Cammarano," says Addeo. "Peter is a smart young attorney who understands government and has a solid plan to cut taxes and bring Hoboken real change."
Morales also says that Cammarano is the best choice for Hoboken.
"Peter is the most competent candidate and he has a very detailed platform and clear ideas for reducing property taxes and making government more efficient," he says. "These are the issues that people care about and that's why Peter will win this election."
Cammarano welcomes both candidates to his team. "I know Vinny and Raul very well and I know they share my commitment to cutting taxes and changing the way City Hall does business," he says. "We have the same practical goals. We want to overhaul city government, protect our families and our neighborhoods and make this great City an even better place."
Cammarano says that he has been "overwhelmed" by the support he has received from both in and out of Hoboken since finishing first in the May 12 election. "Our campaign has a tremendous amount of momentum, but we take nothing for granted and will continue to fight for every vote right up until the polls close on June 9."