Cammarano Jersey Journal Flier
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On the flier above, I found it funny when the Jersey Journal quoted "Cammarano walks in both Hobokens" as I thought there was only one. There are two mind sets though, one is patronage as usual which in my opinion Peter represents quite nicely and a service based philosophy (only hire what you need) that Dawn Zimmer represents. Feel free to comment below.
Cammarano Qualifications Flier
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This flier tauts Peter's experience as an attorney and his City Council experience. I would like to point out that neither candidate has P&L experience listed which is a main function of what ideally a Mayor should have. As a lawyer filling out your time sheets and dealing with a small admin staff is not the same as running a $100 million (Hopefully less) city. Same goes for Dawn. Peter has 2 more years experience than Dawn as City Council member but what does that experience mean if you are on the wrong side of the vote most of the time? Again just my opinion please comment below. ◦