Below is a statement from Peter Cammarano regarding the PAC mailers that have been arriving in the mailboxes of Hoboken residents. We know nothing about them, regret that they are being circulated, and request that they not be sent. This has been a issue oriented campaign, and these mailers do not resonate the message of Team Cammarano. Have good afternoon. Thank you.
Statement from PeterCammarano
On Saturday, Hoboken voters received a mailing attacking Mayor David Roberts and Councilwoman Dawn Zimmer from an independent political action committee that was organized in Washington DC two weeks ago. This is the second such mailing that has arrived in the last few days. I want to make it very clear that this organization and these mailings have nothing to do with my campaign.
These mailings are ridiculous and amateurish and are interfering with my campaign’s ability to reach voters with our message. I do not know who is responsible, but whoever it is must stop immediately.
If this PAC continues these actions, and I am elected Mayor, whoever is responsible will not be welcome in my office. I am personally insulted by this intrusion into my campaign and I want it to stop.
I also want to make it clearthat I oppose all such PACS, and I believe that their activities should be outlawed. I am personally opposed to these organizations and would never have anything to do with them.
My comments: I always think all sides of an issue should have their say. I do agree with Peter that the fliers are amaturish and don't help his message since the facts are completely wrong. ◦