Sunday, January 17, 2010

Update - HHS Student Council Votes to Donate to Haiti Relief Effort

Update 1/17/2009:

Hoboken Superintendent Peter Carter sent this update out on Friday afternoon to clarify the source of the student funds that were donated by the students of Hoboken High School that were mistakenly reported as coming directly out of the student activity fund. The funds that were donated to Haiti relief will come out of a special relief fund that was discovered as being funded in previous years and not the student activity fund which would go to such things as the prom and other student activities.

During the day on Friday an announcement was made over the PA system at the High School telling the students that the money was indeed coming directly out of the student's activity funds and not the relief fund. This upset many students when the announcement was made. For his part Peter Carter has apologized for not clearing the matter up sooner in his letter to students. Questions: Was that PA announcement made in the way it was to take a political shot at the Superintendent? Or was this just a mistake in communication across multiple parties? I leave that up to the discerning reader to conclude for themselves. Fact of the matter is this is still a very nice jesture by the students of Hoboken High School and that is the most important aspect of this whole story. The 1/15/2010 letter from Peter Carter is included below...

Original Post 1/15/2009: Here is a nice story about Hoboken High School Students doing the right thing by donating money from the student fund to the Haitian relief effort......

Hoboken High School Student Council Votes to
Donate to Haiti Relief Effort

Hi Kurt,

I know sometimes you share stories and good news to the community. Below is a wonderful story from HobokenNow of the generous students at Hoboken High School and the Hoboken High School Student Council donating monies from their Student Activities Fund to the relief efforts in Haiti.

Attached is the actual resolution passed by the HHS Student Council which will be forward to the Board of Education for the January 19th meeting.

- Irene

Here is the letter from Peter Carter that will go to the BOE members for vote on January 19th:

Office of the Interim Superintendent

Peter E. Carter
1115 Clinton Street Hoboken, NJ 07030

Resolved by the Hoboken High School Student Council:

Due to the tragic earthquake which has brought death and destruction to the island and people of Haiti, our earthly brothers and sisters, we, the members of the Hoboken High School Student Council, located in the Mile Square City of Hoboken, New Jersey, do hereby donate from our Student Activity Fund the sum of $5,000.00 to the appropriate relief organization. By virtue of this resolution we further ask the Hoboken Board of Education to sanction this action by an affirmative vote at their meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 19th. May we further note the significance of this donation in the shadow of the celebration of the commemoration of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Ayes 15+  Nays 0

January 14, 2010 Hoboken, New Jersey ◦