Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Maureen Sullivan "Facebook Unfriends" Reformerus_Gianticus (Me) - Boo Hoo!:)

I have continued to reach out to Maureen Sullivan to ask her for her side of the story and what additional cuts she proposes Kids First to make. I didn't get the response I was looking for but I did  finally get this reply from her on Facebook.....

Maureen Sullivan commented on your note "Maureen First" - Blogger post from Greg Bond":

"If Kids First has become an organization that proudly spews hate like this, then I'm extremely glad I'm out. Now I just have to find the "de-friend" button."

- Maureen Sullivan
My Response:
Maureen, where is the hate? And I don't speak for Kids First, I speak for myself and so does Greg Bond.
I do want to let the readers know that I did vote for Maureen Sullivan twice. I voted for her her in 2008 and for 2 out of the three candidates on the Kids First Slate back then and the whole Kids First Slate in 2009 which she was finally a part of. All that I ask is that if she wants Kids First to make more cuts is to spell out where they would come from rather than just say across the board and then criticize Kids First without merit. I do understand she is upset about the Frank Romano selection but I would also hope that she would realize a split reform ticket will not accomplish what she wants unless that of course is someone from the status quo back in control of the school board.  
The offer to print her proposed cuts on this website still stands. This site is about opinion and discussions on both sides. While I am naturally inclined to support Kids First I will as always vote for the best candidates avaialble as I have done in the past including when I voted for Maureen back in 2008.  
Now that I have been "unfriended" on Facebook I figured I would reply my own retort in jest not hate. Here is the latest Amazon.com book offering:



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