Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2010 Election Hobboken BOE Predictions

Sun Tzu once commented that a war is over before it begins. With that sentiment in mind here are my...

2010 Election Hobboken BOE Predictions

Front Runners for first two three-year seats (likely to get in):
Irene Sobolov (has natural broad appeal despite Sullivan's anti-Sobolov rants)
Frank Raia (has 2,000 vote base that will be solidifed once again with Easter loaves of bread and now a little HTML)

Battling for the third 3-year seat (only one will get in):
Rose Markle
Elizabeth Markevitch
Leon Gold

Contenders for the 1-year term (only one will get in):
Ken Howitt
Jean Marie Mitchell

This is based on past voter patterns and what I project to be the voting patterns coming up based on the issues. If my assumptions are wrong then of course the election will could turn out differently.

Anyway you slice it Maureen's slate will very likely not have working majority so ask yourself what she hopes to gain by running this slate other than to stick it to Kids First? If Frank Raia and Ken Howitt are able to get in the "Old Hoboken" BOE will once again be in control. Watch that budget go to $70 million before you can blink an eye. A $2,000 plus junket will be the least of the taxpayers problems. Again, a split reform ticket is bad for progress.

Of course I will note to the readers I predicted the Colts to win the Superbowl. That is why we have elections. ◦