Dear Editor,
Last night Councilwoman Mason and her ally Councilman Mike Russo lashed out against Zimmer allies Councilmen Cunningham and Bhalla. We live in a democracy, and honest criticism comes with the territory, but these attacks were from Mason and Russo were rather disingenuous.
First we have Mike Russo – yes, Mike Russo – chanting the phrase "Pay to Play" ad nauseum, when back in 2004 he led the opposition to placing the Pay to Play ban on a public ballot and even attempted to replace it with a toothless ordinance against the will of "People for Open Government" (POG)
Then they start going on about the “appearance of impropriety." If appearances were illegal Beth Mason and Mike Russo would be in jail today. Think I’m exaggerating? Take these examples:
Beth Mason hosted a closed meeting with Residents of Mike Russo's building while promising a vote for their tax abatement extension. Mason’s springing a resolution to hire Howard Safir to a no-bid contract, while Mason's spouse is a partner in the law firm representing Safir's firm. Mason breaking local laws by posting her political signs on public property under the banner of "free speech."
Now onto Mike Russo:
Buying a share in your parent’s beach house for "$1" around the time your father goes to jail. Supporting the hiring of David Corrigan as City Attorney after he served as your uncle’s lawyer in a lawsuit against Hoboken. Sitting in closed sessions discussing Police Contracts when you had TWO brothers on the Force. Collecting thousands in campaign contributions from The Hoboken Democratic Party while your mom served as its chair. Running your political operations out of The Anthony Russo Civic Association while loudly demanding to be judged as your own man.
So Beth and Mike, if Councilmember Bhalla's office share and Cunningham's wife working for the same employer as Mr. Condon's wife "appear" to be improper I gotta tell ya, they’ve got nothing on the two of you.
- Tony Soares ◦