Friday, July 16, 2010

Tony Soares Responds to Posts about Hudson Sewerage Appointment

The normally loquacious Tony Soares who until recently was very prolific on the blogs has asked me to correct several posters on several of the comment threads on my site regarding his appointment to the Hudson Sewerage appointment. Here is his fairly terse (for him) reply:

"Taxes: wrong. (someone on a thread had stated they probably paid more in taxers than he did)
Free Healthcare: wrong.
Deal with Russo: wrong.


I would have thought all this concern about flooding and sewers would have lead to some questions about my first meeting last night - a meeting that had some major news regarding the pump under construction"

- Tony Soares

Note: In my interview with Dawn Zimmer last night, Dawn confirmed her stance on one board position per person as a matter of policy. She also stated to me that she did not believe that position offered free health care. Let me again be perfectly clear about where I stand on this appointment: my objection has nothing to do with Tony's qualifications, it has to do with my belief that board positions should be spread out and in almost all cases dual board holding is not a good thing. The main objection politically I have was how damaging it could be to Dawn Zimmer holding a majority on the council come November. I support the Mayor's agenda and this could become a setback. ◦