They also have a New Home!
They are packing up and moving to 120 Washington Street. They will be in the new space on Sunday May 1st. Tuesday 4/26 is their last day and they will be offering 20% off everything in the store including sale items! As they put it "We simply don't want to pack it all up!"
The owner encourages people to stop by for the sale as well as the Public Safety Meeting. Yep, you got it.
What does public safety meeting have to do with a furniture store closing? Nothing other than the fact that when they move out Terry Castellano will have a meeting on Publice Safety from 6-8 PM.
Here is the blurb on the meeting.
Public Safety Meeting
From 6 to 8pm tomorrow at WWH there will be a public safety meeting, Join Councilwoman Theresa Castellano & Police Officials for an important meeting to discuss the recent increase in crime and what measures are needed to combat it.
Refreshments will be served.
Back to business: william howard home will be sharing their new space with "Hoboken Hothouse Home & Garden" owned by Karen Nason. Karen use to own "The King and I" for over 13 years on 26th & 6th in the Plant district in NYC. She use to be known as the "Plantlady" to the stars with great clients such as Johnny Depp, Lauren Hutton and David Bowie to name a few. Karen recently moved to Hoboken from Soho.
William Howard Home (as of 4/26/2011)
138 Park Avenue
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
My Comment: I wish William Howard Home luck with their new location. I am not sure if they have anything to do with this Public Saftey meeting or not. ◦

HobokenReformer · 726 weeks ago