This story broke earlier today but the Grafix Avenger blog has a story on Beth Mason faking her resume by stating she worked for a company for many years. It turns out that the company was only created in 2010 according to her source. Beth Mason and Lane Bajardi have been a on personal jihad to discredit Nancy Pincus in just about every which way but it looks like the self-anointed "queen of transparency" is caught red handed in yet another lie.
Beth Mason claimed on her resume to have founded a company in 1993 and led it for 12 years. |
Company Beth founded in 1993 was finally filed in 2010? WTF? Beth Mason Caught in another lie! |
This just one day after a Hoboken 411 hit piece highlighting the bankruptcy of Tom Greaney who is mounting a serious enough challenge to the "Queen of Mean" Beth Mason's re-election chances. My own take is that if the bankruptcy were recent then it would be a legitimate campaign issue. Since it happened so many years ago
Beth is going to take yet another hit on whatever is left of her credibility if this story pans out. You betchya. Beth, this is what happens when you play with fire and get caught in your own string of lies.
Go to the link below for the full story: ◦

Grafix Avenger · 725 weeks ago
But why register the LLC at all? Her own resume claims she's 'done' with it- finished back in 2005. So... what purpose is it serving? Is this how cash travels to her legions of ops, sign-stealers and easel-weasels? The whole thing smells bad.
Grafix Avenger · 725 weeks ago
TonyH · 725 weeks ago
Maybe she reopened it in 2010, but I was in that office , seemed like a defunct one or two person amateur hour
deleted8670214 100p · 725 weeks ago
khoboken · 725 weeks ago
Amy · 725 weeks ago
TonyH · 725 weeks ago
"People sponsored a cocktail party prior to the Effie Awards gala hosted by the New York chapter of the American Marketing Association. Gathered here (from l.): Arthur Shapiro, exec VP-marketing, House of Seagram, board coordinator for the awards; Vanessa Reed, marketing director, People; Jim Patterson, chairman, J. Walter Thompson North America; Beth Mason, principal, Newton, Lao, Leonard & Locke, Effie Awards chair; and Doria Steedman, exec VP, Partnership for a Drug Free America, which won the Grand Effie."
Doubtful she had much to do with Jim Patterson of JWT (now author James Patterson) or Arthur Shapiro who I once worked with.
Tony Huh? · 725 weeks ago
deleted8670214 100p · 725 weeks ago
TonyH · 725 weeks ago
I've been to the Effie's very few people want to chair the show.
She was NOT EFFIE Chair. She was chair of the event
I can read. You obviously just write what you are told.
How's that commute to Lyndhurst?
BTW, your post as guest on another site was traced to a certain failed newsreader
Doh! · 725 weeks ago
You and the Cukoo-Clock should start your own political consulting firm and call it Cognitive Dissonant Marketing, I am sure Trump will be happy to be your first customer.
khoboken · 725 weeks ago
khoboken · 725 weeks ago
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