Please help us by asking every friend and neighbor to get out and VOTE....
ONE vote WILL make a difference as we need to overcome a massive Vote by Mail effort from our opponents. They have already submitted over 600 votes.
Please join me in supporting the Kids First Team 3- 4- 5.
The Kids First team is truly committed to helping the children of Hoboken succeed by giving Students and Teachers the tools they need while keeping an eye to savings and accountability.
Let's help them continue the progress by voting, Jean Marie Mitchell, Cliff Godfrey and Steve Feinstein
The polls are open from 7am - 9pm
- Theresa Minutillo
My Comment: It is not only important for the schools but also to send a message to the facilitators of corruption and fraudulent election processes that a slate supported by Mike Russo and Beth Mason does not deserve to win and that their days are numbered. With the number of VBM's that are actually being carried in like a harvest on a farm rather then being mailed in like the system was designed, the slate supported by our honest Mayor Dawn Zimmer needs your support by getting a large turnout on the machines. Its that simple. We the honest taxpayer have the numbers but often not the motivation. Dont' let apathy stop progress.Your vote can make a difference!
If you want to stop Beth Mason and Mike Russo and their grandstanding and corrupt ways start today by supporting Kid's First and voting on the Machines. Take the time and vote. Keep the crooks away from a $59 million school BOE Budget and more importantly keep the progress in improving our public schools in the right direction.
Vote by Mail was never meant to be vote by corrupt courrier.The majority of VBM's harvested by team Mike Russo and Beth Mason come from public housing units where I highly doubt that the votes cast are made in private with the watchful eyes of those in charge of the housing lists there to ensure the "proper" vote is cast. I firmly believe once again in the strong possibility that vote buying is in play here and the ELEC reports will likely show it unless of course the payments are not reported. Nothing surprises me any more.