Friday, July 29, 2011

Giattino to hold Cleanup of Church Square Park Event July 31st

Reminder: Event is this Sunday July 31st at 10am.......

Original Post 7/23/2011: Here is a note from newly elected 6th Ward Councilwoman Jen Giattino encouraging people to clean up Church Square Park...

Please join me and my family on Sunday July 31st at 10am 
in Church Square Park for a community wide

Most Hoboken residents are unaware that there is an ordinance regarding the distribution and postings of handbills and circulars.

The ordinance states "no person shall throw, cast or distribute any handbill, circular, card or other advertising matter whatsoever, in or upon any street, public place, front yard, on any vehicle, or any place on a pole or public sign".

However, everywhere we turn we see advertisements posted on utility poles and boxes, stuck on car windshields, and littering our sidewalks, streets and open spaces.

It is time to make Hoboken more aware about this issue. It is time we come together as a community and start to clean up our streets. The Department of Environmental Services is working on the enforcement of this ordinance.

Keeping our streets clean has always been important to me and I am determined to raise community awareness about how we can all help with this matter.

I have been personally taking down signs, flyers, and other advertisements along with spreading the word about this matter. I have also been been contacting the offenders to inform them that these postings and distributions are not allowed.

As part of my initiative, I am asking for friends and neighbors (grownups and children), to come out on July 31st to help remove advertisements and clean up the streets.
I will meet volunteers in Church Square and then it'll be off to clean up Hoboken.

If you are interested in participating in this community awareness event, please send an email to Though, of course, anyone is welcome even last minute.

Feel free to forward this email to anyone else you think may be interested in helping out and encourage them to sign up at the bottom link for future emails about news and events.

"CLEAN IT UP - HOBOKEN" will not only raise awareness, but will be the start of us coming together to restore Hoboken to the beautiful place we all know it can be.

Thank you!


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You go Jen! It is so nice to see a Councilperson from the 6th Ward finally show some concern for their constituents rather than just yes-ing everyone to death and nodding off at City Council meetings. Real leadership here and by example!
Kudos Jen, although you probably don't even want it, for having the energy to start a new chapter and volunteerism in the park!! Go!
Voice of Reason's avatar

Voice of Reason · 712 weeks ago

I walk through Church Square Park daily and am more than aware that my tax dollars pay for workers there to daily clean up the park and surrounds. Fire them and I will be more than glad to do their work for free. Until then, let's not mask the problem with volunteerism. As for those putting up illegal signs, fine them and move on. While this is a well well intentioned initiative, the offenders don't and won't give a hag about our community until it hits them in the wallet.
6 replies · active 711 weeks ago
Points VOR well taken but those who care will still pitch in nonetheless.
Voice of Reason's avatar

Voice of Reason · 712 weeks ago

I truly salute the councilwoman's efforts (and your own for that matter) and be it far from me to impede in any way any and all efforts to make Hoboken a better place to be. My effort here is merely to be certain we are dealing with the problem and not the symptoms.
Voice of reason is not the right name for you. To immediately say 'fire them' about people that clean up Hoboken for a living is pretty shortsighted, don't ya think? People are out there every day picking up garbage all over this city. Don't kid yourself that this well-intentioned clean up day in the park
replaces a daily job.
Voice of Reason's avatar

Voice of Reason · 711 weeks ago

"Fire them" may admittedly have been too harsh or alarmist. The suggestion of why we have a gulf to close if we retain paid workers and yet need to support their efforts is a reasonable question to ask and have answered, and should ideally to be taken in the spirit of healthy dialog. Volunteerism is a great thing but can be challenging to sustain. I reiterate this volunteer effort is a great thing, I am only suggesting we examine the bigger picture.
Yep. Busting their a** every day.
Yikes - someone please tell Jen that she's a council person, NOT kindergarten class mother.
4 replies · active 711 weeks ago
A Kindergarten teacher would tell her students they have to pick up after themselves. As a Councilwoman Jen is asking for help in doing a little cleanup. Big difference.

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No good deed ever goes unpunished with the old guard. Good thought Jen, I'll be there to help out.
Someone tell Beth Mason she's a councilperson NOT the Mayor
We've done that at several Mayoral elections at this point, but we can't seem to get through to her.
I will be helping but the problem is lack of enforcement. Dept. of Environmental Affairs told the cart guys to stop taking the circulars down and the police don't fine anyone for posting these things on street lamps etc. Yes, it is a good thing we'll be taking them down on Sunday but they'll be back up on Monday. We have to hold their feet to the fire to do their job. I do my part and I'd like to see others do the same. Kudo's to Jen for at least trying. She has more pull as a councilwoman than I do as an average taxpayer. Voice of Reason is correctt that until people are fined this will continue.
Councilwoman Jen Giatino has the right idea about making Hoboken cleaner.

Rather than complain, if people extened themselves just a little Hoboken would be a better place to live.

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