Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tom Vincent - Petition Signing Event March 16th

Update 3/17/2009: About 50 people showed up last night to sign petitions and listen to some music at his event. Based on the number of signatures gathered to date, Tom Vincent does appear to have a decent chance to get on the ballot for the upcomming Mayoral race. He will need a final push this week to get enough signatures to safely ensure that he has enough in case some are rejected for not being properly filled out or not elligible to vote.

Update 3/16/2009: The event is tonight at 7 PM at the Goldhawk. The music starts at 8PM. I got a note from Tom today:

I've got some more players for tonight.Gene Turonis (Gene D. Plumber, Ed Fogary (The Amazing Incredibles and lots of other outfits)

Here is the flier on Slideshare:

Original Story:

This week is the stretch drive for getting petitions signed and ready for City Clerk Jimmy Farina. As such here is some news from Tom Vincent's campaign in an effort to get on the ballot:

Petition Signing Event
Monday, March 16th, 2009
The Goldhawk Lounge, back room
936 Park Avenue (at 10th Street)
Hoboken, NJ
201 420-7989

We're going into the home stretch of the petition drive. I've been hitting the streets and I'm getting a very positive response, it seems like this town is hungry for new blood (but not in a vampire-ish way at all).

There's lots of work to do and I can't possibly get to everyone who has expressed interest in signing, so the only responsible thing to do is throw a party. Not a party as such, no cake or balloons, but a petition-signing event with music. And a rally of sorts. So if you'd like to know more about what this campaign is about, and especially if you'd like to sign a petition and open this race up, stop by and introduce yourself. I'll bring the pens and petitions.

This thing is coming together very quickly, so the details may change, but so far I've got:
Boo Reiners (The Demolition String Band and lots of other musical confabulations) David Schramm, unconfirmed (The Schramms, Kate Jacobs, The Eve of Deconstruction). Both terrific players to provide a little music and energy because signing petitions can get tiresome as the night goes on.

Check the site as we add more music and firm up the details: