Saturday, February 26, 2011

Attention Stevens Students - Parking Permit Retrospective: Nino Giacchi and Beth Mason Snub Students in 2007

For those Stevens University Students that read this blog and might consider voting for either Nino Giacchi in the 6th Ward and Beth Mason in the 2nd Ward consider this story as it ties to their treatment of Stevens students back in 2007 with respect to parking permits:

Stevens student Michael Lutkenhouse wrote in November 2007 an editorial in his campus paper The 'Stute that Stevens students are treated like "second-class citizens" by council members like Giacchi and Second Ward representative Beth Mason.

Here is an excerpt from his op-ed:

"Last week, Councilman Nino Giacchi gave Stevens students a proverbial slap to the face, when he stated, "Prove you're a resident of Hoboken with documents that have to be done to show that you truly are a resident." When asked why Stevens' students could not get residential parking tags. He, supported this statement by citing other cases, "[Hoboken Hospital employees] wanted to park because they work here." Councilwoman Beth Mason added "we have the same problem with teachers and the public school systems."

These narrow views lump students in with groups that are nothing more than commuters. Hoboken resident, and Stevens Student, Vershima Tivzenda summed it up best when he said "I think they should get a permit, as part of the civil services they receive as a taxpayer." In both examples that Giacchi and Mason pointed to, the individuals asking for permits were not tax payers, nor did they reside primarily in Hoboken."

To read the editorial from Michael Lutkehouse go to this link below:

Below is a link to the story on's Hoboken Now:

Nino Giacchi ticks off Stevens students

My Comment: Attention Stevens students: the two main challengers to Beth Mason and Nino Giacchi are Tom Greaney in the 2nd Ward who is the main candidate running against Beth Mason and Jennifer Giattino who is running against Nino Giacchi in the 6th Ward. You should get to know all the candidates before making any decisions. Keep in mind that Nino Giacchi fully endorsed the corrupt and now imprisoned Peter Cammarano for Mayor in 2009. I'm not implying Nino is corrupt, just that he is not on the right side of the issues in my opinion.

I spoke to a few Stevens students in the aftermath of their support for Peter Cammarano and his arrest and many were disgusted and potentially turned off to politics. I say don't be. We can sometimes pick a candidate that doesn't meet up to our expectations. It happens. It happens perhaps way too often. The takeaway from this event should be that people often vote on minimal information and that by getting more informed on the issues you can make better decisions about candidates (most of the time). Sure Peter Cammarano was young and articulate so it makes sense in a way that students from Stevens showed their support by voting for him . Perhaps if those same students knew that Peter Cammarano received over $110,000 from outside of Hoboken PACs (see: perhaps they would have voted differently.

After all, who would want to vote for someone that made the interests of Hoboken secondary to outside developers and politicians looking to cash in on patronage.

Beth Mason and Nino Giacchi and their allies are likely to get their support from the same outside interests as Peter Cammarano did in the upcoming election. How can I support that statement? Answer: follow the money!

Dr. Wharton is a highly respected educator at Stevens whose passion is following political corruption in New Jersey. I suggest you reach out to him and get his assessment of what has been happening at city Council meetings recently. He has been attending some of these meetings as of late and his political analysis is something I respect highly. I also suggest that students interested in how they got treated by Beth Mason and Nino Giacchi in 2007, reach out through their alumni network and get Michael Lutkenhouse's first hand account. I am sure his account would be enlightening. Don't forget that the election is May 10th.

Tom Greaney's Facebook Page (2nd Ward):
Beth Mason's Facebook Page (2nd Ward):
Jen Giattino's Facebook Page (6th Ward):

Nino Giacchi has no web presence as of yet, other than endorsing Peter Cammarano in 2009 and snubbing Stevens students in 2007. Oh I almost forgot, Nino doesn't support the Corner Cars program either. He's not very forward thinking.

Final note: Even though many of Stevens students will move on from Hoboken someday, the success of Hoboken and its improved relationship with the City thanks to Mayor Zimmer will help the long term success of Stevens University and vice versa. Tom Greaney and Jen Giattino share the Mayor's vision and the support of Stevens students for these candidates could help keep the positive changes coming. I know that the City and Mayor aren't perfect but one should never let perfect be the enemy of the good. Get informed and vote. If you think Beth Mason is your choice, fine. just meet Tom Greaney first and then make up your mine. The same line of reasoning applies to Jen Giattino and Nino Giacchi as well. ◦