Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Photos from Room 84 and "Reform's" City Council Victory

It is never easy for reform to win in Hoboken but last night they sure did and did so by only winning 2 out of 6 races for Hoboken City Council. By doing so the Mayor will now have a working majority. That doesn't necessarily mean she will have a rubber stamp but it does mean an end to the City Council Presidency of Beth Mason and her axis of obstruction with Mike Russo. Tom Greaney has an outside shot at making a runoff and before this is over there may be a judge involved and a lot of lawyers. Regardless of the 2nd Ward outcome, there will be a changing of the guard come July 1st and that is what really mattered in this election.  For sure Ram Pinchevsky, Eric Kurta and Greg Lincoln came up short but I give them great credit for running fair campaigns and putting in all their efforts.

Here are some photos from the Room 84 celebration last night....

Jen Giattino and Dawn Zimmer celebrate with a victory hug.

Jen Giattino and Mayor Zimmer elated with win!

From l ro r: Tom Greaney, Dawn Zmmer, Jen Giattino, Geg Lincoln

Jen Giattino addresses Room 84

Wait, didn't Tom Greaney come up short? Why isn't he unhappy? Answer
is that the ever gracious Greaney is happy that good governance has the City Council back.
It was never about him.

Greg Lincoln addresses the crowd and as a military history buff understands the concept of "cannon fodder"
which from a political strategy standpoint was his role in this retrospectively.

Rami Pinchevsky shows up later as well. He worked very hard on the campaign by all accounts but in the end
it is hard to overcome the Vote By Mail (or Vote by Pupie) operations in 4-3 and 4-4.
