Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ravi Bhalla on Redevelopment Projects

On Ravi Bhalla's Web Site he has a position on the Robert's Administration's rush to move forward a significant number of redevelopment projects:

Lame Duck Administration Rushes Redevelopment Projects
With the days of the Roberts Administration coming to an end, it is clear that the administration is rushing through developer friendly initiatives before the developer gravy train halts to a stop on July 1st.

On this week’s City Council meeting agenda you will find these three major redevelopment initiatives:

1) An ordinance to adopt a deeply flawed redevelopment plan for the Western Edge Redevelopment Area.
2) A resolution to provide FX Fowle Architects, PC an additional $100,000 to prepare a redevelopment plan for the Hoboken Terminal and Yard Area.
3) An ordinance relating to the adoption of the Northwest Redevelopment Plan for the Northwest Industrial Area.

I am concerned about a lame duck administration trying to push through redevelopment plans that will have significant impact on the people of Hoboken for decades. What’s the rush? Perhaps it has something to do with the pending municipal election?

In a few months the City of Hoboken may not be run by a Mayor willing to do the bidding of developers looking to construct more high rise condos in Hoboken, and that seems to be their concern.

I urge the City Council not to act on these, or any other redevelopment initiatives, until after the May municipal election. These are important decisions. They should not be made by a lame duck administration.

Accordingly, I would ask that the City Council provide serious consideration to a Redevelopment Moratorium Resolution proposed by concerned citizens Dan Tumpson and Cheryl Fallick. This resolution would place a moratorium on any action relating to redevelopment until the voters’ voice is heard in May and new administration takes office.

Let’s put a halt to the development frenzy and make informed decisions in the best interest of the citizens of Hoboken, not the financial interest of developers.

For more on his campaign go to:
