NJ Entrepreneurs to Show New Jobs Potential of Renewable Energy
Businesses Say Strong Clean Energy Jobs Bill From Congress Is Needed
Businesses Say Strong Clean Energy Jobs Bill From Congress Is Needed
Leading entrepreneurs from New Jersey's renewable energy sector are gathering Thursday to demonstrate the immense potential of renewable energy – from solar, geothermal, and energy-efficient construction – to generate new jobs and grow the economy throughout the state.
The meeting, one of 90 "Green Jobs Day" events across the country on Thursday, will include a tour of a 487 kW solar photovoltaic system at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken. Speakers will show how their completed, current, and planned renewable energy projects will help New Jersey reach its mandated 20 percent of electricity from renewable energy by 2020, while growing the economy and creating new jobs across a wide range of pay scales and skills.
The event is organized by http://www.moveon.org/, a national political action committee, with 134,000 members in New Jersey and close to five million nationwide.
A clean energy jobs bill, called the American Clean Energy and Security Act, is expected to come to a vote in the House of Representatives this summer. For New Jersey to reach its full economic and new jobs potential from renewable energy, increased federal support and incentives are essential.
Overhead satellite view of Stevens Campus
WHEN: 10:30 AM to 12:30PM Thursday, May 28, 2009
WHERE: Stevens Institute of Technology, Babbio Center,
Room 1045th Street and River Terrace
Castle Point on Hudson, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Link to Campus Map: http://www.stevens.edu/sit/maps/upload/stevensIT3D.pdf
WHO: Executives of renewable energy companies with projects throughout New Jersey:
3rd Rock Systems & Technologies Inc., solar
ENRGi Eastern Natural Resource Group Inc., geothermal
Aeon Solar Inc., solar
MDM PC, commercial green building design
Nina's Nuances Interior Design Inc., green and energy efficient design ◦