Monday, June 1, 2009

Letter to the Editor - Anti Zimmer Flier

Here is a letter to the editor regarding recent Anti-Dawn Zimmer fliers sent in the mail from a new group called "Building America Committee". These attack ads I believe are designed to obscure Peter Cammarano's complicity in the as-is passing of four years of Dave Roberts budget as well as suppress voter turnout in my humble opinion. Here is an email from Laura Keating, Hoboken Resident:

This weekend contained mailbox stuffers from Dawn, from Peter--but also from "Building America Committee". Since few people read the "paid for" ads, I think someone needs to highlight this backdoor contribution to Cammarano. Who is the "Building America Committee"? Presumably people who wouldn't help Peter with public support, don't want to appear in ELEC reports, and don't want to observe ELEC limits. And call themselves "Building America", which sure sounds like the development community to me.

As for the charge that Dawn Zimmer caused the tax hike, this is presumably traced to the nonsense that by failing to vote for an illegal, underfunded budget, the council triggered state takeover and thus the tax hike. And who knows, perhaps we could have continued borrowing for another year or two before finances came crashing down--definitely a developer mind set, where if you can just survive, you can get rich. But not a good plan for city finances.

- Laura Keating
Hoboken Resident

For reference, here is the flier that was in this week's mailboxes. There were a total of two and given the print quality and reach probably were around the $50,000 mark in terms of cost:
