Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HUMC Meeting 12-16-2009 - 7 PM at Assumption Hall Tonight!

Images - All Rights Reserved - The Hoboken Journal

There will be an HUMC meeting coming this Wednesday at the Hospital in Assumption Hall on Wednesday December 16, 7PM. Tonight! There is also a City Council meeting tonight. Go to the MileSquare View blog to get updates on this meeting since my focus will be on the City Council meeting.

Below is a copy of the agenda for the HUMC meeting tonight:

Original post content:

The big issue without looking at any agenda is the HUMC's financial condition. Here are some questions and requests that I have so that the Public will hopefully have a better idea as to status.

1) Did the HUMC get any portion of the $10.7 miilion stabilization fund? If so how much?
2) What is the current level of cash on hand? Could the public get a day by day breakout on the cash position just for the last month?
3) How late on payments is the HUMC in general with its vendors? Have any late payments resulted in terms of various purchasing contracts kicking in any additional late fees. If so, how much?
4) What is the status on plan B? Hwat can be shared with the public at this point?  Plan B was stated by Spiros Hatirus CEO to elimininate $1 million per month on hospital expenses at the last hospital board meeting.
5) When will executives begin to take a pay decrease? If so how much as an overall percentage?
6) Are layoffs at least being considered, albiet as a last resort? If the target reduction of exepenses can't be done sooner
7)  Ask the Hospital Board for November's financial report. Ask what the drivers for any changes in revenue or expenses are.

If you the reader have any other questions let me know in the comments below.... ◦