The weather did not stop Party With Purpose this year. First with the threat of a "snowicaine" for the Benefit For Haiti in February, second with the threat of bad weather for their marquis outdoor event - the Party With Purpose Hoboken 5k, Kid's Events and After Party on July 13, 2010.
Despite possible rain, the Party With Purpose Hoboken 5k still achieved record numbers with 1,500 registered runners and 1,300 participants the day of the event. The race is quickly turning into one of the most popular in the area and the biggest in Hoboken. The course featured live music from DJ Brian Incanno from Certified Entertainment and Just N Time 4 Music Entertainment. To cool down from the humid weather, runners enjoyed a water spray along the way. The Kids enjoyed their games, face painting and pizza party indoors at the Boys & Girls Club.
The after party was a rockin' good time as non-runners joined their friends and family to listen to live band Daddy Nobux and enjoy food and drinks. Overall, the event was a great success with close to $50,000 raised (gross) - the most to date for this event. Party With Purpose would like to thank all of our sponsors and everyone who came out to support these great causes! Check out for race results and photos. ◦

khoboken · 766 weeks ago
Another Guest · 766 weeks ago