Thursday, August 5, 2010

Peter Cammarano Sentencing Today Thursday August 5th 11 am

Updated: The Peter Cammarano sentencing will be today on August 5th, 11am at the MLK building in Newark, NJ. The original date I had was based on an older Hoboken Reporter article. Kudos on the hot tip from a civic minded Hoboken Journal reader by the moniker FAP.

The presiding judge will be Judge Jose L. Linares:

Here is the address:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse
50 Walnut Street
Newark, NJ 07101
Phone: 973-645-3730

Location (H) of the federal courthouse in Newark via Google maps:

View Larger Map

Barring some legal maneuvering I can't anticipate at this point, Peter Cammarano will be sentenced today Thursday August 5th in Newark Federal Court after pleading guilty on April 20, 2010 after being charged with taking $25,000 in illegal campaign contributions on July 23, 2009. Sentencing is scheduled for 11 am.

Peter Cammarano III - Hoboken Mayor for just 31 days

Here is a Jib Jab look at what life could be life for Peter Cammarano once his sentence begins:

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!


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I want to attend. Do you know if he's being sentenced by Judge Linares at the Martin Luther King Building court room 5D?
5 replies · active 763 weeks ago
Don't forget to say hi to Patricia "let me hold his umbrella" and the rest of the Cammarano wannabe gang. And please cozy up to the prosecutor and ask him to send his friends from the Hoover building back to NNJ soon. I think they missed a few dozen busloads of crooked politicians & administrators.
patricia waiters's avatar

patricia waiters · 764 weeks ago

patricia waiters's avatar

patricia waiters · 763 weeks ago

check your spelling and grammar YES I AM YELLING!!!!! DUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! don't read it if you don't like it or can't understand it .
You need to reset the countdown clock. I think that even the most enthusiastic wannabe left his side a long time ago.
1 reply · active 764 weeks ago
Mattaccino's avatar

Mattaccino · 764 weeks ago

The Cammarano hangers-on may have distanced themselves from him, but they did not go away. Those that helped create the climate where his actions seemed reasonable are insidiously involved with many aspects of Hoboken life and will be back in May with the same unethical and illegal modes of behavior with their hand-picked candidates.
Countdown Clock has been reset to reflect the August 5th 11am timeframe. If it still shows incorrectly please reset your broswer.
patricia waiters's avatar

patricia waiters · 764 weeks ago

Thank you , Kurt Gardiner you rock!!!!! even through my purpose was to educate the voter not intimidate them my stop the corruption awareness had some people in the fourth (4th) ward up set. However I will continue my fight to bring integrity back to HOBOKEN!!!!! my fight will continue, no matter what verbal attacks that gets posted , we all should have learned from the first grade that only sticks and stones break bones LOL!!!!! you know the rest!!!! thank you again patricia waiters hoboken's next MAYOR!!!!!!!
Matt Calicchio's avatar

Matt Calicchio · 763 weeks ago

I stood behind Peter then, I stand behind Peter now, and I will always stand behind Peter.....I am proud to call Peter a brother and great friend.... I will be there tomorrow to show support for my brother and friend Peter Cammarano..
Matt Calicchio's avatar

Matt Calicchio · 763 weeks ago

and your 100% right the bus does need to come back for Dawn Zimmer and Ravi Bhalla
Matt - think about this a little more. Peter pleaded guilty - that means that he has admitted committing serious crimes that betrayed the public trust. As a result he will not only be spending about 2 years in a federal prison instead of being mayor of Hoboken, he will also be the answer to a trivia question and a punchline.

The party line is to say something like Peter made some stupid mistakes that I know he regrets but he was always a friend to me and I wish him well. That's the kind of stuff Perry Belfiore says and you could do worse than modeling yourself after Perry - he's a pretty sharp guy.

The stuff your writing makes you sound like someone who really doesn't understand what's happened.
Matt Calicchio's avatar

Matt Calicchio · 763 weeks ago

I understand exactly what happened but I stand behind my friend and I refuse to turn my back on him.... NO MATTER WHAT
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Das Klaussen's avatar

Das Klaussen · 763 weeks ago

Yah, yah, Hoboken411 stands behind our mayor Peter Cammarano too. We will visit with Oscar and bring him his favorite trampoline. It's good to be loyal to friends who lie and steal and help you fill out and buy absentee ballots.

Oscar will never bite you Matt. Unless we have to turn state's evidence. Just like Peter did to get his sentence reduced from 20 years to just 2.

You may have to do some jail time Matt. But don't worry Peter is your friend and will come visit you. Remember, he still likes you but the Feds made him do the deal. So when they come knocking on your door, don't be angry with Peter.

Peter asked me to tell you to please stay locked in until you are locked up. He also said you are great with envelopes and a waffle iron so you should be able to make great grilled cheese sandwiches in prison.
Matt C

What, pray tell, do you think that Ravi B and the Mayor have done that even remotely comes close to the selling off of the City by your borther and friend, which is on tape for all the world to hear. I am actually quite curious to see what twisted logic/rationale/allegations your pea brain can congure. I actually am fine with your loyalty to a friend and brother. But accept what he did - you loose me, and I would gainsay a great deal of others, when you draw the ridiculous analogy to any actions of the Mayor or Ravi B.
We have all learned the hard way what Cammarano was doing when we turned our back.
Just happy the FBI was watching too. :-)

Are you the Calicchio who attacked Zimmer on the street ?
3 replies · active 763 weeks ago
Prada Princess's avatar

Prada Princess · 763 weeks ago

Yes he is.
Once a thug always a thug.

Cammarano was heading up Campos campaign when this thug was unleashed.
Notsoloyal's avatar

Notsoloyal · 763 weeks ago

And he was a real class act working for Cammarano when he would go around tearing Zimmer signs down.

Of course you have to remember he is a few chromosomes short of a full boat
Matt Calicchio's avatar

Matt Calicchio · 763 weeks ago

You people must really have no life to have to hide behind screen names and kick a man while he's down.... I was always thought to never turn my back on a friend and im proud to call Peter a friend... Im so happy I dont have to call any of u waste of life people a friend... And yes personally I do think that Dawn Zimmer and Ravi Bhalla are GARBAGE.... You can continue on with your sad life's of internet blogging and being Dawn's BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Matt, Peter may have been a nice guy to you but he literally threatened many of us. He would have been a terrible mayor and we're lucky he's gone. What Peter does with his life after his prison sentence ends is up to him but today Peter is being sentenced for the crimes he committed against everyone on this board and we have the moral right to comment on it.

Frankly I hope Peter gets the max, 30 months. 50% of the last four Hoboken Mayors have accepted bribes and a strong message needs to be sent to Hudson county of the consequences of corruption.
Notsoloyal's avatar

Notsoloyal · 763 weeks ago

Hey Matt, you are real loyal. Like how you went around bashing Frank Raia who basically treated you like a son and helped you all through your "Special Ed" days.

You are a real class act.
Calichicchio has shown everyone the real dark side of the Cammarano crew that hunderds of thousands of dollars of political ads and spin covered up.
I don't think he's gonna like CRAFF......
Matt: It's one thing to stand by a friend, but even you have to be appalled at what Peter did. You know that I didn't beat him up after he quit, but there is no way to condone illegal behavior. You may not like how Dawn or the City Council majority operates, but they are not convicted crooks like Peter. I hope he uses this "experience" as a life turning lesson. He's still young enough to change his ways. I always thought he would be in the pocket of developers, but never thought he would take a bribe. I can't believe that anyone thinks he did nothing wrong.
Matt Calicchio's avatar

Matt Calicchio · 763 weeks ago

I'd rather be apart of the Cammarano crew anyday then be one of Dawn's bitches..... and Forde the only thing threatening this city is Dawn's huge nose and your nothing more the a lackie for Dawn..... Forde get a life and get out of Dawn's ASS....... and by the way Notsoloyal I have no problems with Frank Raia
5 replies · active 763 weeks ago
Would you please just take your meds and get some help.
Notsoloyal's avatar

Notsoloyal · 763 weeks ago

Really Matt?? I think your Facebook postings would paint a different picture

If you love Pupie so much why did you say this on Facebook when the election was happening?

Matt Calicchio - You are WAISTING your time and vote if u vote for Frank "Pupie" Raia for Mayor... Frank is a waste of time and a lost cause... Join me in Voting for Beth Mason for Mayor (11D) it's time for real change and Hoboken needs a good mayor like Beth Mason....

Matt Calicchio
i love the guy but he doesnt belong in this election HE NEEDS TO MOVE TO WEEHAWKEN and leave HOBOKEN.... :-)
Notsoloyal's avatar

Notsoloyal · 763 weeks ago


Matt Calicchio
If Pupie would leave Politics Hoboken would be better off without Frank Raia

Matt Calicchio
Pratik get it through your head Frank Raia will not win this election HE NEVER WINS.... have u seen his record.... he has never had a political career and never will..... i guess as long as he continues to let u live in his house u will defend him and by taking u on vacations and buying u dinner he bought your vote... HE CANT BUY MINE.... the best choice for Mayor is Beth Mason

Matt Calicchio
Pratik do u honestly think Frank can win any election i learned that and that's why i dropped his ass flat.......

Matt Calicchio
Beth has achieved more and reached higher offices politics in 2 years then frank has in his career so Beth is clearly the Better choice
Notsoloyal's avatar

Notsoloyal · 763 weeks ago

PS Matt you really should not mock Dawn's appearance.

Have you looked in the mirror lately? You are not the ideal male by a longshot. Especially given your IQ
You are true to your name.
WOW ! Calicchio is a wack job !
3 replies · active 763 weeks ago
Prada Princess's avatar

Prada Princess · 763 weeks ago

not a wack job but mentally deficient. I think he was special ed. arguing with him is pointless.
I actually feel sorry for the guy. I think he has been used and discarded.
patricia waiters's avatar

patricia waiters · 763 weeks ago

Matt you're the man, when people talk bad about you this means you're doing something right......matt keep up the good work .
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
So you not filing campaign reports as required is a good thing?

Matt stalking Zimmer was right? Matt badmouthing others is good? Doesn't that mean Matt is bad and Frank is good?

Cammarano taking bribes is somehow good?

Do you feel the same way about your kids when the do something wrong and you say something unflattering about them?

You really need to reevaluate how you determine what is right and what is wrong. I think you have it backwards.
Hobokenswabee's avatar

Hobokenswabee · 763 weeks ago

Up is down, good is bad, right is wrong. And absentee ballots bought and paid for are a sign of free and fair elections.

What's the going price for an absentee ballot for this November Patricia? I don't recall you screaming about corruption and locking anyone up after the school board election.

Gee wonder why.
I was at the sentencing and was disappointed that Peter received the minimum of 24 months for a few reasons.

Peter took an oath when he became an attorney, he took an oath when he became a Councilman and he took an oath when he became our Mayor and Peter broke all three sworn oaths in the course of taking multiple bribes. Peter is not a novice unused to politics, as his lawyer suggests, rather Peter Cammarano before running for mayor and accepting bribes was involved in state politics, he ran for council on a ticket and last but certainly not least was Chris Campos' campaign manager across THREE hotly contested elections in the 4th ward. Peter certainly knew what it was like to be in the heat of an election and he knew how tough fundraising was so for his lawyer to suggest Peter was a lamb in the woods is a laughable fiction.

When Anthony Russo, one Mayor removed from Peter, extorted bribes he was sentenced to 30 months in prison. Obviously 30 months was not significant enough a penalty to deter Peter Cammarano from accepting a bribe so it's disappointing that the Judge gave Peter 24 months. We need stronger not weaker penalties for public corruption and criminal betrayals of trust. For betraying three oaths and the public trust I would have accepted 5 years in a real prison with a requirement to serve two thirds behind bars as a possible deterrent.

All of this said we need more participation in local and county elections not less. Only by becoming informed and participating in the process will we be able to keep those like Anthony Russo and Peter Cammarano from gaining a foothold in our community. In the end we are the final check on corruption and we need to require those asking us to elect them to be stewards of the public trust to follow the rules, elect fundraising filings are an easy example, and be worthy of that trust.
Spinning Peter Cammarano into a victim is an insult to all Hoboken.

But isn't that what over privilaged people's lawyers are paid to do when their clients get caught doing bad things and are looking to get a off lightly ?

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