Wednesday, September 1, 2010

“Redevelopment 101” Video Recap

On Tuesday, August 31, the City of Hoboken held a “Redevelopment 101” informative seminar to educate the public on the redevelopment process. The event took place at the Multi Service Center, 124 Grand Street, from 7pm to 9pm, and was taped and posted on the City UStream website. It will also air on the local government access channel for future viewing.  

Here is the replay of the meeting from last night in two parts:

City of Hoboken “Redevelopment 101” Part 1:

City of Hoboken “Redevelopment 101” Part 2":

Unfortunately, at the end of the workshop the constructive dialogue about redevelopment was once again interrupted by a diminutive and furled brow political operative whose recent close brush with the law seems to not deterred him one iota. His question started out reasonable enough asking about the status of the NJ Transit project status but he quickly turned to the old sour grapes of the municipal garage. I really do wonder what the municipal garage has to do with a discussion with redevelopment. Don't you?

The Mayor although initially accommodating to this municipal malcontent wondered too and moved the topic forward and away from the flotsam and jetsam that emanates from the foaming mouth of duplicity known in some circles as the "Mason minion". This section of the meeting is about the 40 minute mark of in the second part of the video.

Remember, redevelopment is a tool and tools can be used properly or improperly. If an area is deemed a redevelopment area just to circumvent zoning and build residential towers where it does not make sense, then I would say the tool is being misused. Some developers would say that is not the case. That is why opinions vary on this issue in and of itself is controversial. Feel free to discuss below the role of redevelopment and how it should be applied in Hoboken if at all. ◦