Friday, April 15, 2011

Beth And Ricky Mason Spend Big Money on Barack Obama Dinner and get a Reward for Beth

The latest from Beth Mason....

Beth Mason receives President Barack Obama Political Achievement Award from Hoboken NAACP

Last night Hoboken City Council President Beth Mason was the recipient of the Hoboken NAACP’s President Barack Obama Political Achievement Award. Mason, who grew up during the Civil Rights Movement, says that era still inspires her to be an advocate for good government and the rights of everyday people. Hoboken’s State Senator Brian P. Stack served as the key note speaker for the event.

“While many people believed racial lines would divide our nation for generations to come I knew in my heart that our generation would be the one that would invoke the changes needed to break down the walls of segregation and racial boundaries,” Mason said.

“Growing up in Virginia I saw first hand how many people from all different backgrounds came together to stand up for equal rights. When I stepped into the booth to cast my vote for President Barack Obama I thought of all the blood, sweat, and tears that brought our nation to that very moment,” Mason added.

A long time supporter of the Democratic Party, Mason and her husband, Ricky, had the opportunity to meet President Obama last year. Mason recalled discussing Hoboken with the President and getting a special surprise for a young resident.

“I told President Obama what a wonderful community Hoboken is and how people from many different backgrounds are working together to improve our community,” Mason said, “The President also signed a book for a young Hoboken resident along with a message that said ‘dream big dreams’. It was an experience I’ll never forget.”

Mason concluded by highlighting the need for Hoboken to continue to move the Mile Square City in the right direction and create opportunities that contribute to the success of the many young residents growing up there.

“We need to continue to make Hoboken an even better place to live and raise a family. We must create new parks and open space and expand recreation programs so our children have constructive ways to spend their time. We must give our young residents every opportunity to succeed so they can reach for the stars and achieve big dreams,” Mason concluded.

My Editorial Comment:
This makes me wonder: what is the criteria for winning the President Barack Obama Political Achievement Award from the Hoboken NAACP other than the fact that old guard wants to help Beth come election time? Did it have anything to do with the fact the Beth and Ricky Mason attended a high priced fundraiser for Barack Obama with a cost per plate in the tens of thousands of dollars?

While I certainly support the aims of the NAACP in that people should, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King be judged by the "content of their character rather than the color of their skin",  I would like to know more about this award and the selection process.

While I do believe Beth Mason stands for racial equality as do most of us in progressive Hudson County, she has turned a blind eye when her minion Lane Bajardi tried to make credit cards for Corner Cars a racial issue. He also attempted to make a personnel issue involving bodily assault at City Hall into a race issue as well with his race baiting, ascerbic, scorched earth, hate filled writing stlye on Hoboken 411.

I have a big dream as well. The dream is Beth Mason is voted off Hoboken City Council this year. 5th Ward anti-Zimmer candidates Scot Delea, Perry Belfiore, and Lenny Luitzi, who all attended Beth Mason's HQ kickoff showed where the alliegiances are don't share in that dream. The other part of this dream is that Peter Cunningham wins despite the fact that Beth Mason will throw as much money as she can behind on of his challengers. ◦

Comments (21)

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Was there a winner last year? Or was this award created specifically for Mason?
1 reply · active 727 weeks ago
It is a made up award that Mason purchased just like she purchases everything else. The woman hasn't earned a single thing but our scorn and loathing during her political career.
sickofallthis's avatar

sickofallthis · 727 weeks ago

jeez you people are such haters. Why does it bother you that Beth received an award from the NAACP? is she sooo evil that you need to disparage every single thing that happens involving her? I just think that a lot of people's time can and should be better spent focusing on positive things rather than slamming people they don't agree with! Also, re the post on another blog which referred to Beth showing Pincus' nazi flyer at the council i the only one who finds it completely and totally inappropriate for a person appointed to a city board to slander city officials the way she did?? really?
2 replies · active 727 weeks ago
No, actually, just corruption haters. Have you been paying attention? Do you honestly believe the woman who helped wheel and steal votes in the fourth ward, where our largest African American population lives, thereby denying them good governance, deserves an award from the NAACP?
InfotainMe's avatar

InfotainMe · 727 weeks ago

You're a phony, you'll be gone soon. But in the meantime, any moron could see that Beth's use of the graphic was staged for the event - the moment was planned and Bajardi was ready with the camera when she posed with the paper. Suckers bought it perhaps. We just don't have that many here, so you might want to peddle it elsewhere.

It did have one impact I"m personally aware of. It got me to volunteer for Greaney today. He wrote me back tonight and I"m meeting his field coordinator. Congrats Beth and career phonies - you've engendered political participation after all.

OLDNEWCOMER2 · 727 weeks ago

I know my liberal reformer friends would like to view this as an aberration, as it reflects on the NAACP and the liberal Democrat establishment as a whole, but it's typical: rotten to the core, at this point.
sickofallthis's avatar

sickofallthis · 727 weeks ago

WOW.. i guess the fact that our current mayor "paid" for votes wwith lottery tickets means nothing? has everyone forgotten this?
3 replies · active 727 weeks ago
Zimmer would have a long way to go before her worst transgression would be anything close to the morally and ethically challenged day-to-day dealings of Mason, Russo and Castellano.
InfotainMe's avatar

InfotainMe · 727 weeks ago

Scratch off tickets were slipped under doors. No possible quid pro quo; hardly something to compare to Beth's abuse of p2p laws with $13400 to Occhipinti. At least not for anyone with a shred of integrity left.

We're all sick of the lie of 'buying votes'. But what it tells us is you've got nothing. So we take some comfort in hearing the lie repeated again.
$50 spent on Father Day Lottery tickets that went with card saying "Dont Gamble with your vote". Yup that is the same.....crawl back in your hole and dream up another comparison
InfotainMe's avatar

InfotainMe · 727 weeks ago

If it can be done with money, Beth will be there. If it requires any combination of heart, soul, or vision, look elsewhere.
EliitistElizabeth's avatar

EliitistElizabeth · 727 weeks ago

She didn't get to say two peeps to Obama at that dinner. He signed the book and next...
Like the White house gate crashers only Beth and her Republican at Heart Ricky paid over 30 grand to be at that dinner.

The Masons are hate funding liars
Interesting how Patricia Waiters dropped out of a race opposing Mason citing "corruption".
big difference between meeting the president and the president walking down a line and signing 100 books in 5 minutes
2 replies · active 727 weeks ago
Indeed, sounds similar to those "groups" that find your name on a business internet site like LinkedIn, call you up and tell you that due to your impressive resume you have been selected to appear in an exclusive "Who's Who in American Business" book, take down a quick flattering bio you dictate yourself, and then happen to note that you can buy a copy of the "Who's Who" book and get a plaque commemorating same for "a mere" $450.
BethTakeManhattan's avatar

BethTakeManhattan · 727 weeks ago

Mason actually boasts that she's in Who's Who!
So does Terry Castellano:

Theresa Castellano served as Chairwoman of the Hoboken Zoning Board of Adjustment ... Who's Who (1998); National Register of Who's Who for Women (2000)
A Question's avatar

A Question · 727 weeks ago

I just want to be clear for the record, is Hoboken Journal (and its assorted hangers on) accusing the NAACP of some sort of impropriety by honoring Elizabeth Mason with this award? Because it sure seems that way, even if you don't come out and say it directly. If so, what is your evidence or are you simply trashing one of the nation's most well-respected civil rights organizations because it gave accolades to a political opponent?
4 replies · active 727 weeks ago
BethBuysLuv's avatar

BethBuysLuv · 727 weeks ago

yeah they are, eugene drayton is a big scum bag and he's polluted the hoboken branch.
the local "chapter" is nothing like the national group
Have you asked Beth why the only African Americans around her are her Nanny and House servants?
Why hasn't Mason supported any African Americans in Hoboken like Clifford Godfrey?
No, we are accusing you of trying to stir up trouble.
The award is a tremendous honor for Councilwoman Mason. She's so overwhelmed with emotion, she's going out and funding even more $40 absentee ballots in the Hoboken Housing Authority for Tim Occhipinti. She wants to show her love for her peops.

There's no evidence Beth thinks poorly about any of those people taking money for their votes to Tim. Without Tim, she'd be a lone voice complaining and making even less sense then she did at the debate equating herself to Kathy Giffords.

Next year the Giffords award will go to Beth Mason too. You heard it hear first from Hobroken411.

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