At my request, Police Chief Falco has provided Hoboken crime statistics for 2008, 2009, 2010 and year to date for 2011. This information is now available on the City’s web site ( and will be updated with current information every month.
My Administration monitors public safety issues carefully and makes its decisions based on our needs as reflected in the actual data. It is important that these decisions be grounded in the needs of our community and not be subject to the vagaries of the political season. Hoboken has developed a well-deserved reputation as an exciting, dynamic and safe community. It is important that all discussions about our public safety be based on accurate information. Inaccurate assertions based on incomplete data can needlessly alarm our residents and hurt Hoboken businesses and property values.
In September 2010, Chief Falco agreed to implement my Administration's police redeployment plan to increase the number of police personnel assigned to patrol our streets by 38% -- from 72 to 99 officers -- and to establish a power shift from 8pm to 4am Thursday through Saturday to increase street patrols during peak activity hours. I am proud that we were able to negotiate a fair contract with our Police unions, reduce the top-heaviness of our force and save taxpayers more than $2 million per year while increasing street patrols.
In March of this year, our community experienced an unacceptably high level of crime, including two reported rapes, during the weekend of our St. Patrick's Day parade. Twelve of the 24 violent crimes reported in March occurred on this weekend as well. Because public safety and quality of life must be our highest priorities, I made the decision to move the parade to a weekday. I did this because as Mayor, my number one responsibility is to keep our community safe.
Going forward, Chief Falco will continue to implement our redeployment plan, and I have asked him to immediately alert me if he is unable to maintain our agreed upon street patrol staffing levels.
Due to recent retirements and some officers on sick leave, I asked County Sheriff Frank Schillari to provide increased patrolling support for Hoboken during peak activity periods, including weekend nights, and he has agreed to do so. Thanks to the newly elected Sheriff, the county had already increased patrol of our county park and will now increase street patrols as well.
In addition, with the new noise ordinance, a team of noise enforcement officers, including Police officers and Parking Utility Enforcement officers, have recently completed specialized training. Decibel reading equipment will soon be received so that we can more effectively address this important quality of life concern.
Link: ◦

taithbedwenarian 62p · 725 weeks ago
Aggravated Assault 2008: 22
Aggravated Assault 2009: 20
Aggravated Assault 2010: 24
Aggravated Assault 2011: 33
Arson 2008: 0
Arson 2009: 2
Arson 2010: 1
Arson 2011: 0
Burglary 2008: 42
Burglary 2009: 59
Burglary 2010: 41
Burglary 2011: 38
Homicide 2008: 0
Homicide 2009: 0
Homicide 2010: 0
Homicide 2011: 0
Larceny/Theft 2008: 115
Larceny/Theft 2009: 135
Larceny/Theft 2010: 169
Larceny/Theft 2011: 142
Motor Vehicle Theft 2008: 21
Motor Vehicle Theft 2009: 29
Motor Vehicle Theft 2010: 27
Motor Vehicle Theft 2011: 22
Rape 2008: 1
Rape 2009: 1
Rape 2010: 1
Rape 2011: 3
Robbery 2008: 14
Robbery 2009: 9
Robbery 2010: 5
Robbery 2011: 17
And then for 12 months ending at the end of March.
Aggravated Assault ending 2009-Mar: 87
Aggravated Assault ending 2010-Mar: 86
Aggravated Assault ending 2011-Mar: 100
Arson ending 2009-Mar: 4
Arson ending 2010-Mar: 8
Arson ending 2011-Mar: 0
Burglary ending 2009-Mar: 220
Burglary ending 2010-Mar: 224
Burglary ending 2011-Mar: 163
Homicide ending 2009-Mar: 1
Homicide ending 2010-Mar: 0
Homicide ending 2011-Mar: 0
Larceny/Theft ending 2009-Mar: 691
Larceny/Theft ending 2010-Mar: 751
Larceny/Theft ending 2011-Mar: 643
Motor Vehicle Theft ending 2009-Mar: 119
Motor Vehicle Theft ending 2010-Mar: 90
Motor Vehicle Theft ending 2011-Mar: 83
Rape ending 2009-Mar: 3
Rape ending 2010-Mar: 3
Rape ending 2011-Mar: 6
Robbery ending 2009-Mar: 51
Robbery ending 2010-Mar: 52
Robbery ending 2011-Mar: 47
Draw your own conclusions.
taithbedwenarian 62p · 725 weeks ago
Aggravated Assaults and Rapes are up, but all others are down.
Aggravated Assaults ending Mar-11: 100
Arsons ending Mar-10: 8
Burglarys ending Mar-10: 224
Homicides ending Mar-09: 1
Larceny/Thefts ending Mar-10: 751
Motor Vehicle Thefts ending Mar-09: 119
Rapes ending Mar-11: 6
Robberys ending Mar-10: 52
deleted5542758 83p · 725 weeks ago
ss1959 · 725 weeks ago
rudydawg 53p · 725 weeks ago
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 725 weeks ago
deleted4079745 90p · 725 weeks ago
We've been robbed! (by the Russos - at every level - housing, school board, taxes)
We've been assaulted! (to our senses & sensibilities by Mason & the council of NO)
We've been held hostage! (by a corrupt system for far too long)
We've been violently attacked! (at polling places and anywhere we dare to wear a camera, by the Russos and those who would do their bidding)
One could call the police, or simply vote on May 10th.
10 days and counting...
Guest · 725 weeks ago
Why not talk about the $2 million settlement made to the cops because of SWAT Team? Why not talk about Zimmer's public safety director who helped to settle this case on the backs of taxpayers.
And why not ask the victims, the ones who were robbed at their door or pushed into thier homes or robbed at gunpoint, why not explain to them that all is well in Hoboken.....
OLDNEWCOMER2 · 725 weeks ago
But how about you explain to me why I should I continue to be ripped off by the Russo's and their allies, and that's something we voters will actually be deciding a week from tomorrow.