Interested Community Members Invited to Apply for Training
The City of Hoboken seeks to continue to build its Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and has scheduled a CERT training program for community members interested in volunteering.
If a disastrous event overwhelms or delays the community’s professional response, CERT members can assist others by applying the basic response and organizational skills that they learned during training. These skills can help save and sustain lives following a disaster until help arrives. CERT skills also apply to daily emergencies.
If interested in joining CERT, please download and complete the application (www.hobokennj.org/docs/publicsafety/CERT-application.doc) and return by email to certteam@hobokennj.org. Participation in CERT requires the successful completion of a training course on a range of subject matter specific to emergency response and disaster relief.
All classes will be conducted at the Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps, 707 Clinton Street starting at 7:00 pm and ending at 9:30 pm. The training schedule is as follows:
- 10/23/2012 - Disaster Preparedness
- 10/30/2012 - Fire safety
- 11/6/2012 - Disaster Medical Operations 1
- 11/13/2012 - Disaster Medical Operations 2
- 11/15/2012 - Light Search and Rescue Operations
- 11/29/2012 - CERT Organization
- 12/6/2012 - Disaster Psychology
- 12/13/2012 - Terrorism and CERT
Participants must attend every module of training as well as participate in the final emergency simulation exercise in order to receive certification as a fully trained CERT Team member.
Upon completion of the training, each participant will be issued a CERT Member Emergency Kit to maintain for future deployments. ◦

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