Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reminder: Peter Cammarano at Frozen Monkey Today


Here is the email that Peter sent this morning to his Facebook group members about his announcement:

Hey everyone, I'm sitting here at the Frozen Monkey Cafe in Hoboken, and I wanted all of you to be the first to know about the announcement I'm about to make. Hoboken is my home, and I've been proud to serve as Councilman-at-Large here for the past few years. But the time has come for me to make an important decision to help lead our city forward.

Today, February 12th, I declare my candidacy for the office of Mayor of the City of Hoboken.

I want to make it very clear that I am running for Mayor for 2 reasons: to lower taxes and bring Hoboken government real change.

My background is in governmental law and I understand government thoroughly.

Last year, Hoboken taxpayers were hit with a huge tax increase that was at least $8 million more than necessary due to the failure of the city council to adopt a budget, preventing the city from sending out tax bills.

This happened because a majority of City council members, including my opponents, refused to vote for a 7% tax increase. Instead, they voted for a State takeover that resulted in a 47% increase and great hardship for our homeowners at the worst possible time.

I voted for the budget with the 7% tax increase and I voted against the State takeover.At the Special Council Meeting held on Sunday, June 1, I warned that the takeover would, “guarantee the largest possible tax increase.” My opponents disagreed.

I was right then and my opponents were wrong, and Hoboken taxpayers paid an enormous price because of the political games played with last year’s budget.

Now Hoboken faces another choice. We can spend all or some of the $8 million that should have never been raised, or lower taxes in the next budget by that same amount. Today, I am the first candidate for Mayor to make my position clear: I will return every dollar to the taxpayer by reducing next year’s tax levy.

None of this money will be spent on personnel, programs or services, not when times are this tough and so many families are hurting. Every penny goes right back to the taxpayer. That's my position.But we will have to do much more to bring real change and lower taxes.

As Mayor, I will lead an open, honest and transparent government that puts taxpayers first at all times. And that will mean revolutionary change for Hoboken.I close my remarks with a final observation. Today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. In his second message to Congress, Lincoln asked: “Still the question recurs – ‘can we do better?’

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.”Hoboken is in an unprecedented situation in its history, and moving the City beyond its current crisis is going to require a new perspective, fresh ideas and real leadership. That is exactly what I pledge to bring for our City and our citizens.

- Peter

Original Story:
Reminder: Peter Cammarano will be at the Frozen Monkey today
10:30am to announce his Mayoral Candidacy.

Question: Will he also announce his slate or will that come later? A source I have thinks he will announce his slate later next week. ◦