Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hoboken BOE Meeting Recap - 12-15-2009

I attended part of the BOE meeting last night after a full day of rest. The three main happenings are events are recapped below:

Interim Superintendent Peter Carter's Report:

In his report to the public he touched on the following topics: The Corrective Action Plan, space concerns, the Connors school rehabilitation project, and three years of back rent finally paid for by the Hoboken Charter School in the amount of $532,240. Over half a million dollars of found money for the Public Schools.

Here his report via video on YouTube:

Here is the full text of the report provided to members of the press and little old blogger me:

Vacant BOE seat:

Last night Irene Sobolov was voted in and sworn in to fill vacant Hoboken BOE seat. Nomination votes went 7-1 for Irene wil the lone dissention going to Maureen Sullivan in her nominating Scott Delea. The final vote went 8-0 for Irene. She was sworn in immediately. Not to disparage any of the other candidates, Irene was a fine choice and has given many years of service on behalf of Hoboken Public Schools.

Here is the video of Irene Sobolov being sworn in by Board Secretary David Anthony:

Brandt School Changes:

The Hoboken BOE unanimously tabled the proposal that would have kept the Brandt School only at the Kindergarten level. Some parents had expected as per previous adminsitrations B.C. (before Carter) that the school would expand to other grades and this provided continuity. Click on'c Hoboken Now for a full recap of this topic:

My comments: Space is tight and there may be few options but we finally have a Board that is listening to the parents with respect to the tabling of the Brandt School. Also congratulations to Irene Sobolov for her appointment to the BOE to fill Phil Defalco's seat. Irene has put in the time and was a very good choice to fill the vacancy. Thanks to Peter Carter and his team for getting the three years of back rent from the Hoboken Charter School. The taxpaters thank you over $532,000 times. ◦