Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reader Commment - On Endorsement of BOE Election

One reader "NC" took exception to my endorsing the Kids First Slate in their comment on that thread. I thought I would give my response to this in order to keep the dialogue flowing.

"I am very disappointed in you Kurt. This is a site that is suppose to be unbiased and your making it like H411. Please keep from endorsing tickets, please do not use your site to try and influence your readers.



My Response:
When I was trying to figure out what my website would cover or represent about Hoboken I wanted to cover politics which is something I follow and community events as people make me aware of them. In that aspect I have tried to give my readers coverage of each candidate as practical given that this is a part time endeavor.

My endorsement of the Kids First Ticket is clearly marked as an editorial and is my opinion and mine alone. I did not run it by the Kids First Team or anyone else to seek approval. I do not post ads on my site so there is no potential for conflict of interest on the monetary front. If you disagree with my endorsement, fine, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. If you support the Raia ticket by all means write a letter to me and I will post it under whatever name you would like, or your real name. In that sense I think I am more than fair.

Just so you know, I do know Frank Raia personally and I told him it will all be over come April 21st and that we can move forward regardless of the outcome. As far as my ability to influence the voters: as you may or may not know my traffic is a fraction of other sites that are more established and I am just one person with one blog. I think it is good for me to let the readers know where I stand when it comes to the issues and let them judge for themselves to what degree I am biased, if at all. When considering doing the editorial I thought it would be disingenuous if I didn't let the readers stand when in my opinion the choice is so clear cut. Please feel free to rebut my argument tactfully. Your IP address will not be blocked, and your comments will not get stuck in the filter. Trust me, I don't have the technology:)


The Editor

Note: To submit letters to the editor at kurt.gardiner@gmail.com and specify when you want it posted and under what name or attribution.
