Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ruben Ramos Proposes Bill for Consumers with Medical Bills and Protecting Credit History

Here is another legislative initiative proposed by NJ Assemblyman Ruben Ramos of Hoboken from the NJ Assembly Democrats press office...


(TRENTON) – Assemblyman Ruben J. Ramos, Jr. is introducing legislation that would require health care providers to employ more practical measures when first attempting to collect payment for services, prior to reporting the outstanding debt to a private collection agency or a consumer reporting agency.

“Everyone has a responsibility to pay medical bills and debts and no one should escape or evade their responsibilities,” said Ramos (D-Hudson). “However, emergencies happen. Sometimes unexpected medical costs are too much to pay all at once and good faith efforts are made. When these efforts are made, debt collectors shouldn't be harassing people and threatening their credit history.”

This bill would require that a health care provider, including a facility or an individual, observe certain practices during the collection of an outstanding balance in a patient account not reimbursed by a third party payer.

Specifically, in the case of a patient to whom a health care provider submits a bill for an outstanding balance, the provider must:

(1) Provide prior written notification to the patient that the provider intends to refer the patient’s account to a private collection agency at least 30 days prior to making that referral; and

(2) Not communicate information about the outstanding balance in a patient’s account to a consumer reporting agency until at least 45 days have elapsed since the date that the provider referred the patient’s account to a private collection agency.

“This bill provides a lifeline for debtors to make their payments and not have it affect their credit. At the same time, it also employs a measure of fairness to protect the interests of medical providers and debt collectors by allowing them to still pursue collections,” added Ramos.

A health care provider that violates the provisions of the bill would be subject to penalties to be determined by the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services or the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs pursuant to statute. The bill would take effect on the 90th day after enactment and apply to health care services provided on or after the effective date.

Ramos intends to introduce the legislation the next time the Assembly is in session.

My comment: Since I have recently had a major medical episode of my own I can relate to the notion that it can sometimes be hard to pay medical bills even when you have health insurance. For discussion: Is this proposal a good or even necessary idea to help protect consumers of health care or does it create an undue burden on health care providers? Share your thoughts below..... ◦

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Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 761 weeks ago

this is UNBELIEVABLE. How about no one be responsible for any debt they accrue, and then, when banks fail and we're all living in the greatest depression ever, we can look to Reuben to solve that problem too. Maybe he'll give us cake.
Once again more rules and regulations vs. personal responsibility. When will the nonsense stop? Did you ever wonder why billions of dollars in wealth leaves NJ each year? You should call the company you owe and try your best to resolve the matter. If not, pay up or borrow. This law is a bonanza for trial lawyers as companies would have to add legal staff to handle the unintended consequences of the government interfering with the private sector.
Redrider765's avatar

Redrider765 · 761 weeks ago

Surprise surprise. Another bill that does nothing to cut how much money Trenton wastes and increases the hostile business environment here in NJ.
Mr.Ramos is correct.......these contractors are killing us. If a doctor or xray contractor from a hospital does not bill correctly per hospital contract with insurances then they should not be paid and harrass the patient.......this problem started with gov Witmann allowing them to seperate bills and drive patients nuts along with ruining ones credit score.
Thanks tess- For a moment I thought my website was over-run by the entire political crew for Rush Limbaugh. Just kidding bloggers. :)
5 replies · active 761 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 761 weeks ago

If you have nothing to lose, such as your credit rating, what's to stop you from just not paying any time the going gets rough? Furthermore, why should someone who doesn't pay bills when they feel the bills are too much have the ability to rack up more debt through credit/mortgages? And finally, I'd love to see a study of the amount of people with unpaid debts (hospital bills and otherwise) who DO have cable tv, high def televisions, cell phones, smart phones, internet on their phone, internet in the house, cars, air conditioning, pets, designer (or expensive knock off) clothes, bags or shoes. Once you've paid for food, enough clothes to get through the week and shelter, the rest of your money really should go towards your debts if you're not currently paying them off. You don't NEED any of the things I listed above and you shouldn't have them if you can't afford them.
Redrider765's avatar

Redrider765 · 761 weeks ago

You forgot cigarettes, alcohol, gambling and other vices of a less legal sort.
stockntrade's avatar

stockntrade · 761 weeks ago

You aren't the boss of me. I have my lottery tickets and my ho to take care of. Cost a lot to getz her primped up for a night's work.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 761 weeks ago

You are hilarious.
stockntrade's avatar

stockntrade · 761 weeks ago

We be chillin in da 4th all day wit dis.
Just joking Katie. :) Sorry the comment was stuck in moderation. There are certain spam phrases relating to medical stuff that sometimes gets caught in the filter.
3 replies · active 761 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 761 weeks ago

No biggie. :) I figured you were moderating we Rush Limbaugh types (aka people who pay our bills). :*
Intense debate has a lot of key words relating to medical spam and I opted to keep them in the filter. To you and all other readers Please don't assume it is me blocking the post intentionally again unless your ip is one of a handful I have on moderation.

I pay the bills too Katie with 10 years in Enterprise Resource Planning Project Management. I know we differ on issues but I don't mind paying taxes for worthwhile issues where the government can help people who need it.

Where I will always agree with you is if there is waste or promises made but can't be met then the appropriate cuts must be made. The issues in Hoboken are non partisan and lead to Intense Debate on this site at time. Letthe dialogue flourish.

On this bill I am Neutral since I don't know enough.

Sent from my iPhone
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 761 weeks ago

I was kidding around about bill payers = Rush Limbaugh types.

As for this bill - any bill that has the premise of shifting personal burden to the public = a bill I'm not happy about. Again, if someone is destitute that is one thing - isn't that what medicaid is for, but if someone chooses to buy cigarettes, HDtvs etc, rather than paying their bills, sorry, I'm not subsidizing them. Hell, I didn't have cable for a long time b/c I couldn't afford it. I still don't have any premium cable channels and I have a job, I just can't justify the cost.
JustTheFacts 's avatar

JustTheFacts · 761 weeks ago

This legislation does not allow people to duck their debts. This is a legislation is fair for all, what it will do is make sure that the patient has enough time to pay their debt. The hospital is still allowed to send the patients debt to collections, this legislation states that it first must go to a collection agency that is a non reporting agency, If after that they have still not paid then it will go to a reporting agency. This allows people to refinance there homes, assist their children with school loans if needed, and keep a positive credit score in this time of hardship.
Apparently this is another piece of legislation that people here did not fully read. This does not get you out of your obligation to pay your bills. This is just giving an individual a little more time to clear up any discrepancies before having the medical provider decapitate you (right after healing you), by immediately sending you to collections.

Have you ever been billed for a procedure that did not take place, and than have to pay it so the incompetent Hospital staff does not ruin your credit. Than your left chasing your tail to get your money back. Ever been put on hold for 45 minutes after pushing #1for English, #3 for a certain Hospital, #2 for certain division, #5 for billing, etc... all to get your money back.

Ever have a family member have Cancer and watch the insurance companies play the "not covered" or "pre-existing condition" game.... and immediately sending them to the vulture collection agents while your loved one is fighting for their life!

Some people here have obviously lived privileged lives and have not had the unfortunate pleasure of falling between the cracks. Insurance Companies and Doctors are at War with each other, and the patient always ends up being sacrificed with inferior care, excessive billing, and lack of coverage. Do you think people want to get ill just to take advantage of their coverage or lack of coverage.

This is a great bill that will put a check valve on these medical providers. The same providers that squander money, especially when no one is looking. Just go and read the recent articles about the hundreds of millions of dollars that were blown at St Vincent's in NYC, and ended with the ultimate shut down. Than let me know how you feel about the "Poor Hospitals".

I support Legislation that protects people who are going through a rough time from being bullied by large Institutions. Your bills are your bills and need to be paid, you just may need a little more time, especially if they are due to an unforeseen illness. The same does not apply for an an additional "plasma TV" that you can not afford to pay for...
Its important matter which is under observations.today hospitals is a business not because people construct hospitals not to serve humanity instead of this they charge huge amounts for treatment of patients. While they are dead or alive. Therefore they have only concern with their pay not with patients.they should not do this.

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