Monday, August 16, 2010

Time for Reflection on the Nature of Blogging - Hoboken Journal Gets Introspective

I just read an interesting article on CNN about how the potential exists for online websites (and blogs) to distort the reality of events especially in the political context. I think this is particularly telling given the recent coverage of the City Garage on another infamous website. I also think a little introspection on this topic could be useful to my website as well in terms of balance. I have never hidden from the fact that this website to some extent is an advocacy blog but it is important to strive for editorial balance even if you are not a traditional journalist.

Here is the link to the CNN article and an excerpt of it below for the reader to digest:

How web journalism can make people seem hateful
By Gregory Ferenstein, Special to CNN

"The flurry of finger-pointing, both of prejudice against Palin and Breitbart, and the counterclaims of conspiracy against the "liberal media," misses the hidden puppet master causing the scandals: a powerful psychological tendency for ideologues unwittingly to distort facts to fit their preconceived biases.

These tendencies have been exaggerated by the internet, whose polarizing sites -- the Drudge Report and The Huffington Post, just to name a few -- give citizens the option of sealing themselves inside an echo chamber of their own beliefs.
On the web, ideologues are both journalist and pundit. Indeed, with the rise of investigative blogging, we should expect a long future of biased, inflammatory "evidence" -- on both sides of the political spectrum.

The official psychological term for this behavior is "motivated cognition" -- a tendency to bias our interpretation of facts to fit a version of the world we wish to believe is true. For instance, one study found that college basketball fans, viewing the same video of a game, were likely to believe the rival team committed at least twice as many fouls as their own.

Political beliefs are even more susceptible. Research has found that when psychologists confront political partisans with facts contradictory to their opinions, they become even more convinced of their existing beliefs.


Unless critical thinking, the psychology of misinterpretation and proper research skills are given priority in education, our children can look forward to years of finger-pointing online news."

My Comment: Ironically (since I am known to be fairly progressive), this article is based two incidents where blogs attacked conservatives unjustly in terms of twisting facts to paint a picture that really wasn't there in these two cases. To what extent have you the reader seen this on other websites and  perhaps even on this website as well. Feel free to comment. I am entirely cognizant of the fact that at times my judgement is based on my preconceptions and assumptions.

For additional reading on cognitive bias got to wikipedia to get started:

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Ummm .....let me think ?

Self-flagellation is often unnecssacary and aways painful !
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Wasn't necessarily posting this to self-flagulate per se. I think all those in the media via newspaper or blog need to keep this in mind.

Sent from my iPhone
...always painful !
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Some pain is required to feel human from time to time.

Sent from my iPhone
I was alluding to a certain blog harpy and her familiar.

He is calling you a harpy. I guess that I am your "familiar", whatever that means. So much for his alternate screen name. I knew that he could not stay under his rock for too long. Obsequious pompous ass-hats seldom can.
14 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

Now that I know who Guest II is, I have to refrain from commenting. Unlike Guest II, I don't tell my friends one thing and do another.
Kurt- can you confirm this is the same Guest II as before. It's entirely believable to me that it's not.
Yes it is KS.

I know who you are too and would have continued to hold my posts until you didn't.

Have a nice night.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

I didn't say a damn thing about you, wth is your problem?

He is either on t sauce tonight or has sauce for brains. I have no clue who the f he is, but he seems to have some pretty weird issues.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

Whatever. He's too chicken**** to post under his "real" screen name, so here he is under this name. Oooh he knows my real name. So does 3/4 of the world thanks to a few big mouths (like his buddies Tony & Mike, and everyone's favorite delusional prick over at H411). But him's afraid to lose credibility under his other screen name, so he attacks "anonymously" except that cat is out of the bag. . .
My my Missy Sacarlett :)
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

Shut up Hobbs.
Not true.
Well, if it isn't the self annointed defender of Mr. Soares. Unlike KS, I don't know who you are but clearly you launched that completely unprovoked attack for some reason that I have to guess has something to do w/ the only topic you seem to care about. That topic would be poor misunderstood (NOT) Tony and how he is despised by some of us for his rather unscrupulous behavior. And clearly you launched that attack because Tony can't.

The big question should be why you are posting instead of Tony. His absence has certainly been noticed by me. I can only guess that the pathetic hanger-on probably has orders to muzzle it b/c his big fat mouth, his stupidity and sleazy self is doing nobody any good and severely damaging the campaign he is supposed to be managing. Personally I think he is mangling it. And I can understand why he is following his orders to the letter. The man understands that he is nothing without the backing of those in power. His credibility, his positions on various boards, his position on the Lenz campaign & his political future all depend on the crumbs his betters toss in his direction. Those crumbs could easily be tossed in the direction of someone else and if that happens then Tony's power trip comes to a screeching halt. So here you are acting as Tony's proxy because he has been grounded and can't come out & play any more. How pathetic.

And it looks like you are pulling another of Tony's favorite stunts by posting under multiple names on the same site. Now that the gig seems to be up w/ this name and whatever other name you use, I am guessing you will quickly switch names so you can abandon your tarnished online image. I think I've got a new name for you that would be just perfect. How about you pick the name TBSSB. That would be short for "Tony's Bad Sewer Smelling Breath". I chose that name b/c you are basically the foul odor coming from Tony's big fat lips. He may not be typing away at the keyboard but it is pretty obvious that almost all your posts seem come at Tony's direction. Tell Tony we miss him and we hope that Lenz & Zimmer stop grounding him and let him post online soon ;-)
Sorry but if Katie_Scarlett feels being the meanest cyber bully on the board makes what she is saying is correct then she is wrong. Katiie kept up her bitchy attacks long after I stopped posting

I changed names at Kurt suggestion and only went back to Guest II because Katie reverted to being Katie and attacking me. As usual Katie tends to make up things when she gets upset.

if you actually read what I posted i did not defend Tony Soares just asked Katie to provide facts and not just being well Katie and I agreed with Mayor Zimmer's statement of one appointment per person. I just didn't agree with the tome of Katie's attacks.

So please try to be civil and try to avoid the name calling as it may boost the comment count but it doesn't really accomplish anything.

Have a good night.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

Hey Hobbs, you were Hobbs BEFORE you were Guest II according to many recollections, not just mine. And I haven't brought you up, khoboken did. Why don't you find where I talked about you other than to say you were still around under you're other name (without naming it) but that you probably didn't want to post as Hobbs when you bitched about Tony and Mike since you'd have to deal with them? Seriously, find the posts. . .I don't think they exist.

I'm sure this means you'll get another name, as many people know who Hobbs is, but I can't wait for Tony and Mike to know you're Hobbs. Maybe Tony can focus on badmouthing you all around town instead of me for a minute. Ha!

That's right, Tony is STILL trying to get people to shut me up (even when I'm not discussing him). He likes to ask other people to calm me down or get me to quit it b/c they owe him for this or that. So far, no one that I associate with in real life has asked me to, but a few have let me know he's trying to find someone.

In fact, the working theory by many is that Tony was complaining to Hobbs, who is apparently a "really nice guy" in real life (not believing that anymore) and Hobbs is trying to help his buddy out and come after me. . .despite the fact I haven't picked on Hobbs/Guest II at all or said much about Tony since he disappeared on Saturday (not sure I've said anything after I thanked him for being the gift that keeps on giving).

But I can say with 100% certainty that yesterday I made fun of Timmay and Beth Mason quite a bit. No mention of hobbs/guest II and no mention of Tony until Hobbs/Guest II came back. . .
You want civility and no name calling yet almost every post here is a result of your lack of civility and name calling. Here is another name I think you have more than earned. You are a hypocrite.

You didn't switch your name b/c of Kurt. You switched it b/c of WHY Kurt suggested you switch it. Kurt understands that your online identity is based on how the people who read your posts perceive you. Your Guest II posts came across as garbage so your online identity as Guest II is the same. Now we are all going to stop pretending Guest II and Hobbs are 2 different people, your Hobbs identity is now just as tarnished as your Guest II one. Your desire to have some minimal level of credibility with us is why you switched names and it is the same reason why people like Tony do the exact same thing. Right now you have negative credibility so I'd be willing to bet you will change your name again so you can have a fresh start.

What really disgusts me is the complete dishonesty with which people like you post when you start swapping names. I understand posting anonymously in order to protect yourself from the wack jobs out there who will use personal information to possibly go after a poster in real life. Tony seems to be trying to go after KS right now in a very roundabout and subtle way and others have pestered her in the past in far more intrusive and threatening manner. I personally don't want to be bothered and I have made sure it will be incredibly difficult for some asshat to figure out who I am or where I live. But I also believe that it is important to be honest when you post and part of being honest means maintaining a consistent online identity. If you can't be honest enough to stick w/ 1 alias on a blog and you need to swap from one alias to the next just to not look like a fool when you post then maybe the problem is your posts just aren't worth reading. Guest II/Hobbs have gotten to that point IMO and that is nobody's fault but your own.

Now do us all a favor. Grow up already and give KS an apology already. You owe her one for yesterday AND for the last time you crawled out from under that rock you've been hiding under.
Oh grow up. You launched a completely unprovoked adn mean spirited broad side at KS. I leave myself out of the discussion, but won't forget your comments. Your whole act is lame and tired. In the entire debate over TS and the benies for the sewer position, it turned out that KS was right. Do you really want to remind everyone that TS pushed for the second position because of personal gain? When it became clear that you were wrong, the adult thing to do would have been to acknowledge that fact and apologize for all of the names and nasty comments that you made. Instead you continue in the same vein - definitely, you have some issues, ass hat. You are not the thought police. Whatever your initial intentions were in trying to carry TS water, it blew up in your face adn you have sacrificed your own credibility, under any screen name.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

Thanks Red. . . for once, I really don't know why I'm getting picked on by Guest II/Hobbs. It's like the guy is just nuts. OR maybe Tony asked his buddy for a favor (like some people who know Hobbs in real life suspect).
Gee the harpys pussy cat bears her claws.

See it is easy to be a cyber bull
I actually posted this article to reflect on perhaps the pitfalls of how online websites can change the way the debate is conducted and it is funny to me how this very thread illustrates this point. I was actually trying to take a positive step back on look at blogging from a more whole view.
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

What I really don't get, at all, is why Guest II/Hobbs came back just to attack me. I mean, if he did it in a thread where I'd commented on something, that would make sense to some extent. But he chose to start commenting in this thread (where I hadn't been) and to bring me in. In fact, I ignored his first two posts until he made it 100% clear he was aiming for me. What a weirdo.
Instead it is now an excellent case study thread in the exposures / downside of anonymous blogging.
3 replies · active 760 weeks ago
It sure beats having crazy orange people w/ big teeth accost you in the PATH station or having some annoying asshat pester all your friends to get you to be quiet b/c you aren't anonymous ;-)

Anonymity isn't a problem, the dishonest and sleazy way in which some people cloak themselves behind the shield of anonymity is the problem.
Hey, man. I don't use the PATH all that often and can't find "crazy orange people w/ big teeth" in my reference guide. Little help?
Let us just say that the downside of your name being attached to your posts is that people can look you up, find out where you live & what you look like then wait for you at a time and place of their choosing and annoy you.

I was just describing an incident I heard about when referring to an orange big toothed person who spent way too much time under the sunlamps and once did that in this town ;-)

Agreed, agreed, agreed.
One person's line in the sand: I like my anonymity but I draw the line at being just one identity on the blogs.
I agree with Redrider. I think people should have a certain limited amount of anonymity when posting online, only because there are idiots out there who have a screw loose.

But I also think that if you took everyone here, put them into a room together, you wouldn't have half the **** being said offline that is said online. People are cowards and it is easy to be an internet tough guy.
8 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Truer words have never been spoken.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

My big mouth in real life is pretty well known. :)

I'd love to meet Hobbs/Guest II and show him the evidence I had all along (just unreleased).
Ms Scarlett we love ya but just to clarify let me say that I for one have no idea who you are in "real life".
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

Yea, I know who knows me - da horse, RG, Furey, TonyH, Mike Lenz, AnneB, Cassandra, Tama Murden, Graphix Avenger (altho by name only, we've not spent real life time together) anyone who posted on hobokenchat or who has asked Perry K/Lane B, anyone who's asked (or not asked) TonyH & MikeL (such as Hobbs/Guest II). . . Seriously, those two refer to me as Katie in public and introduced me as such at a couple of fundraisers. My "anonymity" is shot to sh**.

I started to change screen names, but realized that it just wasn't worth it.
Now I'm considering changing my screen name to "chopped liver" : )
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

Don't be like that. I'm sure that any number of people can tell you who I am if you really care. I can't imagine you do!

chopped liver's avatar

chopped liver · 760 weeks ago

Now don't you fret about lil' ol' me!
I choose carefully what rooms I go into and tend not to stay in rooms w/ people I dislike.
Anonymity gives a person a certain advantage. What a person does with that advantage tells us what they really are up to and all about.
We all live in the same fishbowl and are bound to run into each other in real life, best not to launch tirades against
the obscure.

FYI this guest is not the same guest as the previous guest and more than likely will not be the same guest
in the future. Best to avoid confusing guests since you may not be an invited guest next time you meet the real guest as a guest of a guest at the next soiree.
This is to everyone- Let me state my position once again and be perfectly clear: I do not agree with the idea of anyone holding two board positions unless there is an overriding reason and that was not applicable in this case. But I do believe it is time to move on. For those who agree with me lets wait on see if Tony Soares' seflishness and behavior costs Mike Lenz who is a very well qualified candidate the election in November. Let us pray that does not happen and we get Maurice's Dunce in instead drooling about pools, Captain's fat pensions and such.

My website does allow a wide berth for political commentary but sometimes it goes to far here and I am not singling anyone out but lets face it the word pussy is incendiary as much as the phrase you are a stupid idiot or such things like that. Let us try to focus on the issues going forward. With that said while I did find the TBSSB acronym amusing, it is not constructive not to single RR out or anything. I am trying to grow traffic so I want newcomers to feel welcome and not get hit over the head for simply disagreeing. Not every new poster is a shim. Try to keep that in mind. My search engine traffic and word of mouth is drawing in new readers albeit slowly.

The multiple ids is a big issue and I am trying to figure out how best to handle it. In the meantime I would ask all of you to show a little restraint and agree to disagree and withhold the name calling. Otherwise moderation could be in store and I don't like moderation. This is a part time blog and that is all I can give.

Thanks for participating in the lively conversation but I do ask you kindly to tone it down for a while and let everyone take a breather.
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

I agree Tim is worse than Mike, and it seems that certain people I respect are backing Mike. So I backed off of Mike. Once again, I'll be voting for the less bad candidate. I can hardly wait. Yippee.

That being said, Tony may be the face of the problem, but make no mistake, Mike didn't put Tony up for the position for any reason other than Mike wanted to. It's not like Tony held a gun to his head and said "Give me two boards or else." So, while Tony is just an annoyance online and the face of the problem, the problem really is Mike's ego and unwillingness to do what the voters/reform movement wants if it is not what Mike wants. IMO of course.

As for Guest II/Hobbs. I didn't start with him, I certainly don't know what he's smoking when he says otherwise, and I have no problem living & let live. That's exactly what I said the other day when he was brought up by another poster. Apparently live and let live isn't in his vernacular.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

I'd like to add that 917-805-8238 has been pranking my cell and my office line. I find that incredibly juvenile.
7 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Juvenile is too nice a term.

I am not so sure if Mike is the less bad candidate. It might be worth having Mike lose to Timmay to encourage a decent candidate to come forward in 2011. Mike wins and that may not happen. And I'll say right now that if the prank calls are at all connected to Mike, Tony or Guest II, then I 100% believe Mike is not the less bad candidate.

Find out who the idiot is. You can do it for a few bucks. Then tell us all. I think some public humiliation is in order and it has been more than earned.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

I have returned the call several times. No mailbox is set up.
Whoever they are, they are a coward.
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

A coward who has stopped calling.

Found out the identity of the account owner. Not sure that I want to particiapte in an "outing" on a forum, as that is what many of us despise. I think it is good enough that that your caller knows that the jig is up. Very embarassing, potentially.
You found out who it is? Nice. I would love to know privately (for my own sake) . . . could you email me, please, at

I assure you that I won't publicly out the person unless I get the information from another source (in other words, I won't out them on your information).

Ask around, I have integrity and keep my end of bargains.
For Katie's safety, she really ought to know who is harassing her. Wouldn't you want to know if someone was effectively cyber stalking you?

No more ass hat comments. I swear.
Here is a positive but somewhat sad message for all of us on this thread who compared to the rest of the world live in relative affluence:

Here is another musical video to help quell the blogger beast within all of us:

[youtube 3jKf7cI-9oE&feature=related youtube]

Kumbaya People!
And finally, Rodney King says it best:

[youtube FHlopjHepEw&feature=related youtube]

I hope everyone gets my point.
2 replies · active 760 weeks ago
Katie_Scarlett's avatar

Katie_Scarlett · 760 weeks ago

As long as you don't include the "Council of no" in "everyone" I'm down for getting along (assuming that's what the video is).
Yeah - but when you have been wronged by someone there is no need to even try to get along w/ someone without an apology. Somebody owes you a big one for their antics today. That sort of harassment is completely unacceptable.
Fake news websites will always exist at certain times.

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