Sunday, September 19, 2010

Editorial on the Police Layoffs

This was from a poster Deborah Hulbert who made this statement in the comments section that reader p1ywood suggested I promote to a post. I have taken p1ywood up on his suggestion as the commentary is worthy of promotion.

From the Police Union Protest 9-15-2010
Hoboken Journal Reader Editorial on Police Layoffs

Wow!!! Lombardi, Russo, Mason and Castellano thought Mayor Zimmer was a weakling and that she'd blink first. She was so underestimated by these know-nothing Grandstanders and now who looks downright mean and dumb? They do.

It's too bad that so many of the same residents of Hoboken who got snookered by Cammarano continue to fall for the loud-mouth shenanigans of Lombardi, Russo, Mason and Castellano. This Triumvirate plus One has absolutely no interest in working with Mayor Zimmer and the Council majority because they are immature spoil-sports who'd rather embarrass the Mayor than look to ways to cut the expenses of city government while having it be run effectively for the good of ALL of the people of Hoboken.

I call out Councilwoman Castellano for her nasty, sniping and divisive comments about Mayor Zimmer. When you trash the Mayor, Ms. Castellano, you trash the many thousands of her supporters who understood the stakes of the standoff with Lombardi and why the mayor refused to back down. Because she didn't back down, we will now get to see how hard Lombardi is going to fight to retain his members' jobs and how many senior officers, including your husband, Robert, are willing to step aside and retire so that their inflated salaries and benefit costs can be reallocated to the men and women of the Hoboken HPD who actually walk a beat for a living.

I call out Councilman Russo for his ridiculous theatrics and rhetoric intended to malign the Mayor and her supporters. You and your aunt, Ms. Castellano, are so tainted by self-interest that nothing either one of you has to say should be taken seriously by anyone who lives and pays taxes to the City of Hoboken. Perhaps if you moved out of subsidized housing at Church Square Towers people would take you more seriously.

I call out Councilwoman Beth Mason for her outrageous and offensive conduct ever since she lost the Mayoral election last year to Dawn Zimmer. Let me clarify, after she lost the first Mayoral election, she endorsed Dawn Zimmer against Peter Cammarano in the run-off election. We all know (or should know) that Cammarano stole that election with bogus absentee ballots and, thank you, God, was arrested a mere three weeks later. On the VERY day that Dawn Zimmer was sworn in as the Acting Mayor of Hoboken following Cammarano's resignation, Beth Mason sent out a PRESS RELEASE stating that she would be running against the Acting Mayor in the second Mayoral election. What a Class Act you are, Ms. Mason!

Councilwoman Mason has never been able to accept the fact that she was defeated decisively in two separate elections by Dawn Zimmer. She has since taken every opportunity to bash and trash the Mayor for absolutely no reason other than the fact that the Mayor's electoral victories have robbed Ms. Mason of the opportunity to hold court at Hoboken City Hall.

I call out all of the residents of Hoboken who have allowed themselves to be dumbed down by the Heavy-Handed tactics of the Triumvirate Plus One. Please stop and think for yourselves for a change. The people in front of City Hall last Wednesday with the bullhorns want you to react emotionally to everything they say; otherwise, if you exercised some independent judgment, you may not agree with their view that the staff of the Hoboken PD should be absolutely exempt from layoffs, no matter what, while the rest of us should be fair game. This entire campaign launched by Lombardi with the hard earned dollars of his union's members was a bluff gone bad. Let's admit that and move on.

- Deborah Hulbert ◦