Monday, March 7, 2011

Greg Lincoln and his Kickoff Summary

On March 3, supporters of Greg Lincoln's candidacy for 3rd Ward City Council came together for Greg's Kickoff and Fundraiser event, held at Willie McBride's in the heart of the 3rd Ward. Speaking at the event were City Councilman Ravi Bhalla, Former City Council President Tony Soares, and Mayor Dawn Zimmer. A transcript of Greg's speech is attached below.

A video of the event is available here:
Greg's bio and platform are available at the campaign website:
Any follow-up questions should be directed to his email:

Greg Lincoln for 3rd Ward City Council - Kickoff and Fundraiser Speech - March 3, 2011

Thank you, Mayor Zimmer and Tony. I'd particularly like to thank and acknowledge my campaign team: Deirdre Wall, Greg Bond, Tony Soares, and the rest of my volunteers for all their hard work. I thank my wife Carma, who I somehow talked into this. And thank you to everyone for coming tonight to support my campaign for City Council.

As some of you may know, my job entails working with a lot of numbers, data management, and a keen attention to detail. Now, I'm not a numerologist or anything, but I noticed when we were choosing the date for this event that we would gather on the third day of the third month to kickoff this campaign to bring change to the third ward. I want you all to remember this as the beginning of change for the third ward, and that you were here.

For too long, the third ward has been represented by a councilperson who is unable or unwilling to properly do his job. A councilperson who submitted, without consulting his council peers, a temporary budget scribbled in pencil for people to vote on. A councilperson who, as the chair of the finance committee, "lost" almost a million dollars in parking meter funds, and called it a mistake. Meanwhile his friend, the former parking utility director, has been indicted for stealing approximately 55 tons of quarters.

For too long, the third ward has been represented by a corrupt family dynasty that has been more concerned about their own family's finances than the interests of our city. We all know about father Anthony Russo, who pled guilty to accepting bribes, served jail time, and still owes our city over $300,000. There's also the mother, who while serving as Parking Commissioner, was named in FBI documents for demanding $5-a-tow kickbacks. Despite all this, the family occupies subsidized housing units that should go to people who actually need them.

For too long, the third ward has been represented by a councilperson who has deceived his constituents. A councilperson who lied to the third ward about the municipal garage supposedly coming to the Pino site at 7th and Monroe. A councilperson who lied to the Hospital board, telling them they don't have the authority to sell the hospital and release Hoboken from the $52 million dollar bond liability.

For too long, the third ward has been represented by a councilperson who has repeatedly made poor choices for our city. Over the past 18 months Mayor Zimmer has led Hoboken in a positive direction of accountability and fiscal responsibility. Yet my opponent seemingly does nothing but put up obstacles to impede this progress.

My friends, it is time for a change!

I am running for City Council because I want to bring the representation to the third ward that is long overdue. I believe that everyone in the third ward needs to be represented ‚ not just those who benefit from the system and want to maintain the status quo.

I am running for City Council because I'm a homeowner and taxpayer that loves living in Hoboken. My wife, two sons, and I have lived here for almost six years and love the vibrant, diverse, and welcoming atmosphere of our town. Except I have a councilman who in four years has never responded to a single email I've sent him.

I am running for City Council because we are at a critical juncture. Mayor Zimmer and her supporters on the council have taken firm stands on fiscal responsibility, nepotism, and pay-to-play; they have improved transportation issues, infrastructure and quality of life, making Hoboken a better place to live. My opponent has resisted most of these. Do we want four more years of politricks? Or do we want to continue to move Hoboken ahead and help it flourish?

I am running for City Council, but I need your help. I can't do this alone. I ask each of you to do three things to help bring change to the third ward.

First, I need funds to compete with my opponent. He is well-funded and connected and will get lots of PAC donations. I fully expect him to double or triple my spending. Thankfully, Mayor Zimmer has shown us that it's not about how much money you campaign with, but that you spend the money wisely. Please donate tonight if you are able, we take checks or credit cards. You can also donate via my campaign Facebook page or website.

Second, we need volunteers. As hard as my team works, we can't do it all. We need people to help us knock on doors, organize events, stuff envelopes, make phone calls, etc. If you are skilled at anything, we have a place for you. If you can only spare a few hours of your time, we have a place for you.

And third, we need you to help us spread the word that there's an honest choice for the third ward. Contact your friends and neighbors that live in the third ward, talk to them, share our Facebook page, and website. Let us know if you will put a sign in your window. Let us know if you want to host a meet and greet. Let us know if you would like to write a letter to the editor. We need all these things.

Friends, I thank you again for coming tonight. I couldn't be here without your support.

Here is the video of his speech with an introduction from Mayor Dawn Zimmer:
